Part 08

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After class at Sunghoon's castle .

Sunghoon POV .

I don't know why i am so happy that Heeseung is my soulmate . I look at my albratross mark and smile .

Sunghoon : Maybe i am in love with Heeseung .

I said and smile . The my mom come to my room .

Sunghoon's mom : Honey didn't you find your soulmate ?
Sunghoon : Yes he is my friend .
Sunghoon's mom : Really how do you find him ?

I tell my mom everything .

Sunghoon's mom : I am really happy for you Sunghoon ah . But don't you know his birthday date ? He will turn into a vampire when he will be 20 years .
Sunghoon : Yes . I know he will be a vampire at 5:53 pm .
Sunghoon's mom  : You have to protect him honey .
Sunghoon : I know .
Sunghoon's mom : Good . Then good night dear .
Sunghoon : Good night .

Next day .

Heeseung POV .

Heeseung : Hey guys!!
Jungwon : Someone is smiling today .
Heeseung : Shut up ~~~
Jay : Did Sunghoon and you become couple ?
Heeseung : N-No Why ?
Jay : After he talk with you You become a happy bird .
Heeseung : No he just be my friend .
Jungwon : This is the reason your are smiling .
Heeseung : Yes . He is my friend .
Jay : This boy ok lets go to café now.  I am hungry .
Heeseung : Sunghoon!!!!
Sunghoon : Hey ( Smile )
Jay : You-You can smile .
Sunghoon : Of course ( Back to poker face )
Jungwon : O-oh ok .
Heeseung : Sunghoon are you free after school ?
Sunghoon : Yes .
Heeseung : Wait for me after school .
Sunghoon : Ok bye . ( He said and left )
Jay : He is ready to go with you ?
Jungwon : I think he loves you Heeseung hyung
Heeseung : Maybe I-I me-mean n-no . What are you talking a-about . Lets go i am hungry .

Thanks for reading . Don't forget to vote . Have a great day or night cuties .

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