The First Lie

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He was staring at her so hard, that Trish looked over her shoulder. Nope. There was no one there, and Mr. Hot Damn was still watching at her when she turned back around. 

His eyes were a color between whiskey and gold, and she thanked God for making it. And He was tall. Tall to the point she knew she'd have to significantly tilt her head if they were side by side. But maybe he'd be the kind of man to pick her up so they'd see eye to eye when they- She blinked.

Heat filled her cheeks when she realized everyone was staring at her staring at him. She definitely didn't like the male satisfaction creeping into the Earl's eyes. Something inside her sparked, flared, giving her energy she didn't know she'd had in reserve. Trish cleared her throat. "You're late."

"Late?" he echoed in a voice that was both rough and rumbled. Sexy. 

She nodded slowly, wincing a little when it made her head hurt. "Vincent's already swept me off my feet. Thandie's fed me a lovely meal," her chin lifted into the air. "As rescues go, you're late."

A look she couldn't decipher. "I admit, I didn't think I'd find you. It's been days."

"I was at the f- the well," she corrected herself.

The Earl froze. "The well? Near the old theater hall?"

"Aye, I found her right there on the hill," Vincent nodded. "Which is why she needs to rest tonight and let the doctor have a look at her in the morning."

Trish glanced at Thandie. "Is the room ready?"

A comforting hand touched her shoulder. "It is, miss. We can go up now."

"My wife will be returning to Salsbury with me," was the phrase that stopped Trish in her tracks, but Vincent spoke up before she could.

"It's the middle of the night, my lord."

"Surely, she must stay here until the doctor's had a look at her head. It was a lot of blood it was," Thandie's grip tightened a fraction.

Trish wasn't sure what was going on, but it was clear neither Vincent nor Thandie wanted her on the road.

"We'll both stay," she found herself saying.

Everyone glanced at her as if wives weren't supposed to speak for themselves. She raised a brow at Mr. Hot Damn. "And we'll go home in the morning. Okay? Problem solved. Thandie, lead the way." Hopefully in the morning, they'd all end this charade, have a laugh, and take her to a phone.

The Earl muttered something behind her, but Thandie was already leading her swiftly toward the stairs. "You be careful of him, miss," she whispered fiercely.

"Why?" Trish shrugged, "Is he going to mess up and tell me it's really 1770?"

"You are a strange lass, miss. But I speak of the curse the Earl carries."


"All the women he loves die in mysterious circumstances. His last wife died in their salon."

Trish stumbled over a stair. "That's...unfortunate."

"If you ever need a safe place, you come back and Thandie will take care of you. You hear?"

"Er, yes," Trish wasn't sure how to play along with this anymore. Was she supposed to be scared? How did Victorian misses act in this situation? Did this make her a damsel?

Thandie led her to a door and proceeded to unlock it from the outside before taking the key off her ring and pressing it into Trish's hand. "Guard this," she said in a louder tone, and then stepped back. Her curtsey was brief, but she covered it with a gesture for the Earl to proceed into the room. "I will be back as soon as the doctor arrives," she said it like it was a threat, but the Earl merely nodded at her, and then he was taking her arm and walking her into the room.

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