Chapter 1

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Vortex to the side
"Vortex YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT GET DOWN HERE!" My mother yelled. It was the sam routine every day. Wake up, go to work, come home watch her go crazy, watch her yell, watch her slowly become less and less of my mother, repeat. I looked down at my bloody wrist.

And no before you ask I don't cut myself. It would always happen when she yells I start to scratch my wrist fiercely some time it would get so bad and I would scratch till my hands were a bloody mess.

I went to the bathroom and cleaned up my hands and walked down stairs. I fell to the ground just as a vase came flying at me. "WHY THE HELL ISNT DINNER MADE?!" I slowly walked to the kitchen and took out the pre seasoned chicken.

Taking out a pan and I put it on the stove and chopped it up and started to sauté it. I made the sauce and poured it on the chicken. Putting the stove on low I went to get the broom and the dust pan.

I slowly walked to the stairs where the broken vase lay. It was the one I made her in art class. I put the broken shards together to form the message. Best mom ever. I still remember the day I gave it to her.

"Mommy look I made you something in art class today." I said beaming at her. "Really? You made this. " She held up the case in the shape of a crappy heart. I nodded my head franticly. "Yup just for you. The best mom ever!"

I wiped the tears off my cheeks that escaped my eyes. Sweeping the broken glass into the dust pan I carried it to the kitchen to throw it away. Only to have it slapped out my hand. My mother took one of the shards of glass and pointed it at me.

"If I come home another day and dinner isn't made this will be the least of your worries." She lunged and tackled me to the floor. Straddling my waits she held my hand down with her knee while she covered my mouth with her hands.

I teared up at the pain she was causing. The tears freely flowed as she brought the shard closer to my hand. Giving me one last evil smirk she brought the glass down and cut into my skin. I screamed, yelled, and cried. No matter what she didn't stop.

It was about 20 minutes latter that she stopped my wrists were torn up and I lay covered in the blood she smeared on my face. "You worthless piece of shit." Getting up slowly I walked to the kitchen when I was sure she went to her room. Finishing up with the chicken I dished it out.

Deciding that enough was enough I went out and bought about a months worth of groceries. Covering the chicken and packing everything away I went to my room. Pulling out a suit case I threw most of my important clothes and shoes.

Digging under my bed I pulled out my life savings I had about 5,000 saved from the multiple jobs I worked at once. Smashing the piggy bank I stuffed all the money in side of a pocket only leaving out about 200.

Cleaning up I took a shower and put the suit case on my bed. Throwing on a sweater to cover up the recent scars I put on some form fitting jeans and just old sneakers. Picking up my bag I walked down stairs.

After making sure she ate I put the dirt plates in the sink and washed them. Walking to the door I turned around looking at the house I will never see again. Hailing down a cab I went to New York international air port.

I walked up to where you buy tickets. "When is the latest available flight to California?" "In one hour." The receptionist replied. How much?" "$150.0." Looking at the money in my hands I handed her the cash and told her to book it.

After getting my ticket I walked to airport security after they checked my bags I took out my phone and put in my headphones. Walking to my seat I was ready to start my new life. Ten hours later I was in north California where it's more woodsy. It was one in the evening.

After I found a little apartment 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. I unpacked all my clothes...well the ones I could grab. Taking a shower and putting on a new set of clothes. I decided to go searching for a job.

I walked into a little café after trying a few places. After I ordered which was just a burger and fries. The waiter came back a few minutes later deciding to just ask I did. "Are there any job openings here." The girl that was currently serving me said that she'll ask the owner.

A few minuets later a slender man walked out he couldn't be more than thirty five. He had sultry stubble and didn't look like a threat he had sparkling brown eyes and a killer smile. He wore a tan sweater that covered his fingers up to his thumbs form fitting jeans with brown dock martins.

"Hello you said you needed a job." Nodding my head he gave me a bright smile. Right well follow me. Getting up since I had already finished eating. "What about the plate?" "Don't worry I will have Sammy take it." Walking through the kitchen we went to the back office.

"Right well what's you name I'm Berry. " He said in a strong but soft voice. Clearing my throat I introduced my self. After the whole meeting was over I got the job of a waiter that paid 15 dollars an hour.

Looking at the nice man in front of me I started to tear up. I think he noticed and he walked over and swept me into his warm chest. "What's wrong kid you can tell me?" I then proceeded to tell him my whole life story. Everything I felt like I could trust him like he's somehow family.

What surprised me was when he rolled up his sleeves and showed my his scars. "We all got s flaw about ourselves nothing to be ashamed of. Now how bout you go home and rest your first shift starts to morrow at 7:30 the breakfast rush is a bitch."

Chuckling I said bye to Berry and walked home giving him one last wave I walked home. After taking a shower I remembered I need to buy furniture and food climbing in bed I smiled at my situation. I am going to start my life over.

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