Chapter 2

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Sweet berry to the side c:
*beep beep*
I quickly shut off my alarm before getting out of bed. It was my first day of work. I looked at the clock it read 6:45. I quickly gathered my clothes and went into the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and set my clothes on the counter. Stepping into the shower I let the warm water cascade over my body relaxing my muscles. After standing under the pipe for a while I quickly started to lather up my washcloth and scrub my body.

After my shower was done I quickly put on a long sleeve shirt, jeans, and my boots. I ran to the kitchen seeing as I only had ten minutes left before I had to leave and made a bowl of cereal. Putting the bowl in the sink I quickly washed it before putting it away.

Walking out my apartment I quickly put in headphones and played music. About 15 minutes later Berry's café came into view. I saw a whole line outside waiting to come in. He was right the breakfast rush did look like a bitch.

Walking around the back I took out my employees key to get in. Unlocking the door and stepping inside I quickly wiped any dirt of my boots and onto the rug. Walking to Berry's office I quickly put on the waist apron that every waiter and waitress have to wear.

I also quickly put on the shirt with the cafés logo over my long sleeves. Finding Berry he quickly shows me the ropes on how everything is organized. It was pretty simple and easy to remember. "Ok everybody now that everything's prepped we can now open the doors." Berry quickly tells over everybody.

When the doors open Sammy a hostess quickly gets the people seated. After that Berry quickly sends out the waiters and waitresses. I get assigned an old elderly couple. "Hello welcome to La cuisine de Berry. My name is Vortex and I will be your waiter. What can I get you this fine morning?" I ask politely and smile there so cute.

The elderly lady quickly scans over her menu and orders. "And what would you like sir." I ask after scribbling down her order. "Umm I'll have the eggs Benedict with a glass of orange juice." I take there menus. "Thank you your meal will be right out."

Walking back to the kitchen where Chris one of our chefs are I put the order on the line.
"Eggs Benedict with orange juice, and a sunny side up with bacon and coffee." I quickly go back to serve other customers. 20 minuets latter I served 3 other tables and my order for the elderly couple is up.

I lay the plates on my forearm and put my index finger in between the two glasses. "Here you guys are eggs Benedict with a glass of orange juice and sunny side up with bacon and coffee." Setting the plates down I ask if there's anything else that they need

When they shake there heads I quickly got back to the other tables I'm serving. A family of about 6 walk in there a guy that's probably 36. A Woman that looks 32 another man that looks 33 and they have 2 toddlers attached to their hip along with a sleeping baby on I'm guessing the mothers chest.

The hostess gets them seated and Berry walks up to them. What's surprises me is when he kisses the guy on the lips. I'm in no way a homophobic but Berry didn't come off as gay. Any ways after I finished serving the table I was on I headed back to the kitchen.

"Hey Vortex! Come over here for a second!" I herd Berry's voice calling out. I swiftly turned around after placing the order on the line. He smiled at while the others were just staring. I started to scratch my wrists out of nervous habit. I dragged my boot covered feet over to where the group was.

I slowly came to a stop in front of them. Putting my hand behind my back I greeted them lowly. They all nodded there greetings except for the one that Berry kissed. I quickly started to scratch my wrists.

After a minute or two of awkward silence he smiled at me and I stopped scratching but not after I felt a trickle of blood running down my hand. I quickly squeezed my wrist to stop the bleeding. "Mommy why is there blood dripping on the floor?" I looked down to see that blood was in fact at du feet.

All heads quickly snapped to my in worry I brought my hands from behind my back to survey the damage. They all gasped when they saw it. "How come you do that to your wrists son." The guy that kissed Berry asked; I gotta learn his name.

"It's out of nervous habit." I quickly reply. Well let's get you cleaned up he guy that kissed Berry said. Sammy went to look after the family while the guy that kissed Berry brought me to the bathroom.

"Can I get your name cause done with calling you 'the guy that kissed Berry' in my head." He chuckled at me while bring my wrist up. "My names Asher. Now how come you do this to your wrist?" Deciding to just tell I said how my mom would always yell and throw thing to distract my self from the emotional Paris I dug my nail in as a distraction.

"I stopped a while ago but now it just became a nervous habit that I've grow accustomed to sometime I don't even know I'm doing it." I finished with a sigh as he wrapped my hands in bandages. "Yeah well we all got problems and we just deal with them in different ways."

I smiled at that. "Funny Berry said the same thing." He got a questioning look at that statement. "Well thank you for the help." I stuck out my hand for him to shake it and he just looked at me like I was an alien. He suddenly pulled me in for a hug. Surprised by the action I didn't hug back immediately but I quickly did.

Missing the strong arms of my father I quickly started to tear up. I wrapped my arms around him when he noticed me crying as if he understood he just hugged me tighter. "Thank you." I snuffled getting a little embarrassed. He smiled warmly at me. "No problem."

We walked out the bathroom a few minutes later and I caught Berry's worried glance I gave him a reassuring smile to ease his nerves. A few hours later it was 2:30 and it was time for my break. I just went to the break room to have lunch.

I quickly jump out of bed and slip on some shorts. My dad and daddy already went to the café for breakfast. I just told them I'll pick something up on the way to the gym. I quickly take a shower and throw on some clothes.

Walking down stairs in quickly say hi to the pack members and I see me best friend also my beta walking up to me. 'Sup man. what you plan on doing?" James asked. Shaking my head I just told him my plans to go to the gym.

Another with out my mate I've been search for him or her since I turned 18 im 24 now 6 years. I was starting to lose hope that I even had a mate. Walking to my car I quickly climb in. I head to the gym to do my usual cardio and other stuff.

Aew hours later it was 1:00 and i decided to head home. Parking my car I stepp out and head inside. I pause when the most beautiful sent of wild berry and fresh wood hits me. "MATE!" My wolf Exodus growls.

I quickly make my way through the house in search for him of her. The scent is mostly coming from the kitchen so that's where I head. Walking into the kitchen I'm surprised when I see my father talking to his mate Berry.

Walking up to him I hug him and sniff his shirt. "Umm son are you ok?" He asks while wrapping his hand around me. Pulling back I ask him who he's been around today. "I just hung out at the cafe and the new employee." Taking a deep breath I tell him.

"That's my mate the new employee. What's his name dad?" I asked him

"Well son I'm just gonna let you find that out your self. Good luck." He winks at me while leaving with Berry under his arm.

Turning around and heading to my apartment I smile to myself. I shall find out indeed.

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