Chapter 2 - Combat

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Hi, I changed some people in some scenes from the original story, but I thought it worked better with my plot.

"What do you mean, its the top level, that can't be right!?" I exclaim loudly.

"Oi, Declan!" Kaiden yells over his shoulder, "Alex here is in our Combat class, come meet her."

Yet another good-looking boy runs over and I wonder if there is something in the genes of these people that make them all incredibly good looking.

"Hi I'm Declan, how did you get into this class, I mean, there's only 5 of us, and 2 of the guys are apprentices!?" he asks looking extremely confused.

"Hi Declan, I'm Alex. I have no idea how I got into this class, but I do know that I sucked a lollipop, which apparently knows what classes I should be in." he sighs, and looks at Kaiden.

"We probably should get going, don't want to be late for Karter. See you around Jordan." Declan says, looking nervous about what will happen if they're late. 

The two boys walk ahead, and start talking, and every once in a while they look back at me. I wonder what they're talking about. I look up properly and see a huge arena, way bigger than any stadium I've ever seen.

"Jennings" I hear a voice yell. "Are you lost?" I look up at the voice and see a middle-aged man looking at me with a confused expression on his face.

"No, s-s-sir" I stammer "I'm in this class". I show him my schedule, and Karter tells me to sit down on one of the benches. I do, and I can definetly see why the boys and Karter didn't think I was in the right class. They have actual swords and are stabbing at each other. After a while, Karter orders me to get up and try and fight Declan. I try. Trying wasn't good enough.

"Do you know how to do this?" He asks me.

"Just stab, stab, stab right?"

I will try and update ASAP, let me know about any ideas.

- KailexJames

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