Chapter 4 - Coriakin's Island

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"Ooh! Sorry!" exclaimed Eustace, as he accidentally bumped into Y/N.
"That's odd," thought Y/N, "The boy rarely ever - if not never - uses his manners."
"Trying to run away?" asked Reepicheep, chasing after him, "We're on a boat, you know."

Eustace came to a halt, as Reepicheep held his rapier up to the boy's nose.
"Look, can't we just discuss this?" asked Eustace.
But Reepicheep ignored him, and advanced on Eustace, "That was for stealing, that was for lying, and that was for good measure."
While saying this, Reepicheep revealed an orange that Eustace had hidden in his shirt.

Eustace's fists began to shake, and it was then that Y/N noticed the large knife in his hands.
"So it's a duel Reepicheep wants," thought Y/N, making sense of the situation.
"That's the spirit! We have ourselves a duel," exclaimed Reepicheep.
Y/N's focus on the duel was interrrupted by an arm around her waist. She didn't even have to turn to know who it was - but she did anyway, and smiled when she saw Edmund.

"What's happening?" asked Edmund.
"Reepicheep and your cousin seem to be battling out their differences," replied Y/N.
Edmund's soft smile turned to great amusement, and his attention immediately moved to Reepicheep, who was now saying, "Stop flapping your wings like a drunken pelican. Poise! Keep your blade up. Up, up. That's it. Now..."

Eustace attempted to advance on Reepicheep, but the swift mouse moved out of the way in no time. Y/N couldn't see much of what was happenings anymore, as the crowd had gotten bigger and the sailors were all much taller than her - even Edmund had to stand on his toes.

"It's a dance, boy, a dance," Y/N heard Reepicheep say, "Come on, now. Again and again. That's right, that's right. Oh, no."
The mouse's voice wavered at his last exclamation, but Y/N knew he was up to something.
A few seconds of dead silence went on, until Reepicheep's voice was heard again, saying, "And that is that."

The crowd applauded, before dispersing, for Edmund and Y/N to find Eustace lying on the deck.
"Look," said Lucy suddenly. 
A large basket had toppled over, and crawling out of it came a little girl - the same girl from the Lone Islands.
"Gael?" asked Mr Rhince, "What are you doing here?"
Everything went silent, and everyone's attention was on Gael. Mr Rhince walked up to his daughter and pulled her into a hug. Drinian walked up to them and handed Gael the orange that Eustace had stolen earlier.
"Looks like we have an extra crew member," he said.

"Welcome aboard," said Lucy.
"Your Majesty," Gael said, curtsying.
"Call me Lucy. Come on," said Lucy, taking Gael gently, to show her to the chambers.
"Come on, look lively," said Drinian, "Back to work."


"It looks uninhabited," said Caspian, looking at the approaching land through his spyglass, "But if the lords followed the mist east, they would have stopped here.
"Could be a trap," said Drinian.
"Or it could hold some answers," said Caspian.
Y/N nodded, before saying, "Caspian?"
"We'll spend the night on shore," said Caspian, "Scour the island in the morning."
"Aye, Your Majesty," said Drinian.


Y/N stared out at the calm sea. Edmund was lying down right behind her, his arm around her waist and his head tucked into the back of her neck. Slowly, Y/N's eyes began to close, and the scene began to change.

She was now back at Cair Paravel - How? She didn't know, but she didn't question it either, for some reason. She was sat in a meeting with Peter, Edmund and a few foreign lords. All of this seemed familiar to her - it had happened before. Her head was rested on her hand and she looked like she was about to fall asleep at any moment. She looked up when she heard Edmund clear his throat softly. He had the silliest smirk plastered to his face. Suddenly, but carefully enough for nobody else to notice, he stuck out his tongue and crossed his eyes. Y/N tried to control her giggles. Edmund continued to make funny faces for Y/N, until Peter caught him and gave him a stern glare.

Then, her surroundings changed. She was seated at the dining table in her regular spot - Edmund to her left and Lucy across her.
"Edmund, our advisers say that you must be married before me," said Peter.
Edmund groaned. Princesses had been visiting from all over, all of them very keen to win Edmund's heart. Y/N slumped in her seat and sighed. She had been concealing her feelings for Edmund for over a year now. 
"It doesn't matter who you marry, as long as you do. And at this point, I would honestly be elated even if you married a leaf," continued Peter.
Susan looked between Edmund and Y/N for a moment, before saying, "You know, Peter... Edmund doesn't  necessarily have to marry a foreign girl."
"Where are you going with this, Su? You're not suggesting that he marry one of us, are you?" Peter laughed out, "We're his family!"
"Well... Not all of us," said Susan.
Suddenly, everything went quiet and everyone's eyes were on Y/N. Y/N looked up from her soup.
"May I be excused?" asked Y/N, clearing her throat, and left before she even received a response.

Of course, Y/N felt a sprinkle of excitement when Susan suggested that Edmund should marry her. But she didn't want to marry Edmund if she was being forced to. She wanted the love between them to be genuine. She walked to her chamber and sat on her bed. It wasn't long before she heard a knock on her door. She expected it to be Peter or Susan or Lucy, but instead, Edmund peeked his head through the door. He quickly walked to her bed. 
Edmund took a deep breath, before saying, "I have to tell you something before the others officially suggest it. I really want this - to be with you. Not just because I'm forced to. I'm madly in love with you, Y/N. I have been for a long time now. And I don't want us to get married just because we're supposed to. So, Y/N, will you marry me?"
Y/N smiled at Edmund, before the scene changed again.

This time, she was in a white dress, walking down the aisle. Susan and Lucy walked behind her. Y/N looked straight ahead to see Aslan right in the middle. To His left stood Peter and Edmund. Edmund was staring at Y/N, wearing the biggest smile ever. His silver crown sat comfortably on his combed hair - usually, he wore his crown lopsided on a messy mop of hair. Y/N walked all the way up to him and-

Suddenly, and much to Y/N's displeasure, she was awoken by a tight grasp around her waist.

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