Chapter 1

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Mikey's Pov

It was a sunny day,I was walking home with ken-chin after we ate in a restaurant for breakfast. I was almost done eating my dorayaki,but then I heard some muffles around somewhere so I decided to check.

"where are you going Mikey?your house is this way." He points to the left,
"I heard something,shh." I say as I quietly bite my dorayaki. Finally founding where I found those muffles,it was three boys standing in hidden pathway. I don't know what's it called,so bare with me.

"yeah?what do you have in that bag of yours!" A boy shouted,I lean in a little bit and saw that they were ganging up on a girl. She had h/c hair,and her eyes were e/c. 'shes cute' i thought.

Someone suddenly pats me on the shoulder. Turning around,I saw ken-chin grinning on me. I just rolled my eyes.

"let's go mikey, that's not our problem." He simply says.
"well-" Before I can say something I heard a punch,I quickly turned around and saw that-

wait,the girl knocked out the three boys?!!

She then took her bag and started to walk,but I suddenly had the urge to talk to her. I quickly ran towards her which made Draken yell at me.

She looks at me, she's kinda pretty.

Y/N's Pov.

Okay,this might seem very random but this three boys decided to rob me. The fuck?They rlly think I'm this weak because I'm wearing this stupid ass dress?God,why did I even say yes to Hina about this.

"yeah?what do you have in that bag of yours!" The ugly ass boy shouted at me,which wanted me to gag. But I couldn't,I couldn't show them my strong side yet. I bet they'll be surprised.

The other boy then took my bag on me,making me annoyed. Yknow what?Fine. I kicked the boy in the nuts,and before the other ugly ass boy can punch me,I elbowed him on the face and because the other one's already in pain,I kicked him in the nuts too. 'two down,one more to go' I chuckled to myself.

The last standing boy suddenly tried to punch me,but I blocked it and punched him in the face so hard that it already got him knocked out. I sighed and took my bag and decided to go home before someone-

"h-hey." I turn around to see a boy my height,he had blonde hair and a tie on a middle.

"you did good back there,I thought I needed to help you. name's Manjiro Sano. I want to be friends" He laughs.
"no. im not interested." I say emotionless.
"are you deaf?I said no,right." I say as I walk off leaving him with his jaw dropped.


"y/n! you're finally back!" Hina-chan greets me,I smiled weakly to her then entered the house.
"how did it go?do you like the dress??" She asks me.
" it got me robbed." I laugh as I put my bag on the couch.
"huhhh?!!!! You got robbed?!" She suddenly yells,I can see in her face that she was worried.
"yeah,but dont worry I kicked their asses." I reply.
She looks at me in 'awh' and said "You really are strong y/n!" We sooner laughed.

Hina was my best friend. She was actually my first friend in our school. She was slightly older than me,so we don't go on same classes. Tho she always hang out with me. She knew about my trauma I had on my childhood,so she was always there for me which I deeply appreciated. Even tho she has a boyfriend now,it was still the same. I never met her boyfriend because she said he was not ready yet,which I understand. I'm happy for Hina,she looked very happy with her new boyfriend. And also, I'm friends with her brother too,Naoto. We never really hangout,he doesn't go out often except for school.

"I'll just take a bath,okay?" I say to Hina which she nodded.


I open my eyes,the light of the sun blinding me. I groan as I got up from my bed. My body hurts so much....I check the time and saw that I was late for school. Shit.

Getting the hang of it,I quickly ran downstairs and took my towel off the hanger and headed towards the shower. I quickly undress and ran the water over my naked body which satisfied me.

After that,I took my towel and wrapped it all over my body. I ran upstairs to my room and took my school uniform off the hanger,then quickly dressed up. I dry my hair a bit,I didn't have time to dry it up so I decided I'll just tie it on a ponytail later. I put on a little bit of mascara and put on my socks with my shoes. I ran downstairs again and realized I didn't have lunch prepared,nah maybe I'll just buy something off the canteen. I took a slice of bread and took my bag and ran for my life.

I...made it. I was rlly out of breath and I almost choked on my bread,I finally saw my room and entered it to see everyone still chatting bout shit. Phew, I'm not late.

I sat down on my chair near the school window,I place my bag beside me and drifted off my thoughts. 


Man, finally school was over. I was finally walking home with Hina right now,we were chatting about how sweet her boyfriend was which made me more curious and wanted to meet him already.

Suddenly her phone rung,I stopped and waited for her to hang up,which took her about five minutes. When she finally hang up she said she couldn't go home with me anymore because her boyfriend wanted to see her. Heh,fair enough.

I said my goodbye and sighed as I'm walking alone,again.

Thoughts flooded my mind again,
'what if someone's ambushing me?'
'what if im gonna get in a car crash?'
'what if i won't make it home safely?'
'what if-'

My thoughts were cutted off as I hear someone's motorcycle stop on me.

"want a ride?" His voice sounded familiar,I turned around to see the same blonde boy that asked me to be his friend yesterday.
"no." I said.
"cmon,what if someone's ambushing you right now?" Did he just read my mind?!

I thought about it for a bit, maybe it won't be that bad. Wait what if he's kidnapping me-

"I'm not kidnapping you,I promise." HOW THE FUCK DID HE KNEW THAT?!
"i- i guess...." I sighed as I agree.
"hop on then,miss 'im not interested'" He laughs.
"HEY!I HAVE A NAME DUMBASS!" I yell to him as I hopped on his motorcycle.
"Well I don't know it." He starts the engine.
"i-its Y/N...." I whisper.
"okay,y/n." I didn't even know why but my face suddenly heats up,am I fucking blushing?!
"hold in tight,yeah?" He says. He was wearing a white shirt and a jacket over it.
"okay,manjiro." I say as I tighten my grip to his waist.
"you can call me mikey." He says as he starts the engine.


"we're here." I say as I hop off his motorcycle.
"thank you." I thank him as I walk away.
"whats your number?" He asks making me pause. I've never had a boy ask my number before.
"i- its [insert number]" I say,not turning around cause i was red like a rose.
"okay,see you soon,y/n-chan!" He then leaves me.

hai! thank you for reading my fanfic! i took down the other one bcs i didnt like the plot and it was written like shit. Anyways i hope you have/had a great day!

1351 words

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