Chapter 2

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Y/N's Pov

"hey y/n-chan!!" Mikey yells from afar. I walk towards him and saw he had two dorayakis on his hand.
"hey mikey. Thanks for the snack." I smile weakly at him. He just nods and ate his dorayaki while walking with me.
"I...actually have a confession to make to you." He stops,thoughts flooded my mind as soon as he said that.
"I.....want you to be mine y/n-chan."
"I'd protect you from everyone,no one can go near you without my permission. No one can hurt you."
"Mikey....We just met you dumbass!" I laugh off.
"huh?we literally met a year ago!"
"w-what? excuse me?"
"yeah!we met at the same exact place too!whats going on your mind?"
"i- but-"
" what's your answer to my confession?"
"i- i like you too mikey..."
"then from now on, you're mine and I'm yours,y/n-chan." He leans on me.
"stop, you're making me blush." I gave him a smile with close eyes-

"Y/N-CHAN!!WAKE UP!!!" I hear someone shaking me.
"h-huh?!" Oh. Of course it was just a dream.
"did you have a nightmare?! Did you have-"
"I'm okay Hina-chan." I smile at her.
"well we're late at school,come on get dressed!" She says as she rushes over the door.

I sigh as I stand up,maybe I'll take a shower tonight. I ran downstairs and headed towards the bathroom,I brushed my teeth,fixed my hair and did makeup as I finish my look. I go upstairs again and took my school uniform on and my shoes. As I finish,I did one last check if I had everything on my bag and headed downstairs to see Hina-chan finished making breakfast for me.

"thanks hina-chan." I say to her as I quickly ate the toasted bread with cheese on it,she nods at me and we headed on to our school.

Sooner,we arrived and now at the hallway. Hina-chan was meet by a lot of people because she was famous on our school,and I was the complete opposite. I was known as the boring classmate.

"well,this is my class y/n-chan! I'll see you later!" She waves at me goodbye as she enters a classroom which was far from mine. I sighed and continued walking,everyone was staring at me making me kind of anxious,is there something on my face?why yall gotta look at me like im a model.

As I reach my class,I headed towards my seat near the school window and drifted off my thoughts like I always do. I can say people barely heard my voice,I just talk when my teacher calls me or a presentation. I'm not really that 'friendly' kind of girl,I just want no one to bother me.

Our teacher finally arrives and everyone goes back to their seats in no time,I sighed and listened to my teacher.


It was finally lunch time. Everyone was out of their classes now,but I'm still waiting for Hina. Maybe she's busy,so I decided to eat alone on the classroom,by myself.

Ten minutes passed,I was finished from my sushi and mochi that Hina made for me. I was really thankful I had her,she was like a big sister to me. I rlly love her.

As I was gonna put my bento back on my bag,I saw a plastic laying in the ground. Great,I have to throw this now. I sighed and walked towards the door to hear shoutings outside. What the hell is happening there? I go outside the classroom and checked the window cause I was at the third floor. It looks like a fight. Meh, I'm not interested-

"isn't that guy getting beaten up Hinata's boyfriend?" I heard someone talk,I turned around and they quickly left which made me roll my eyes. But that wasn't the point,I looked over the window again and decided to try and hear their talks.

"Good work,sir!" I hear the crowd cheer,huh?

Everyone was cheering,I look over a bit more closely to see a tall man kicking someone's stomach,ouch. I look over at the other one,he had blonde hair and-


He was walking towards another blonde boy who was beaten up,oh shit is he gonna get beaten up again? As he gets closer,the beaten up guy falls onto his butt and Mikey leans on him,is he gonna kiss him ?!

He says something and of course I didn't hear it because I was literally at the third fucking floor. He suddenly stands up and headed towards the guy who got kicked in the stomach and landed a kick on him,ouch. He kind of beated the shit out of him and looked at him and said something again,then he throws him at the floor and leaves with the tall guy.

Welp,that was kind of interesting. I go back to my classroom and headed over my seat to think about shit again.


School's finally over!! Everyone was packing their bags now,including me. I don't know if Hina-chan will walk home with me,well I hope she will. As I was about to leave,my phone started to rung. I left the classroom before answering it.

"hey y/n-chan!" Mikey greets me,I smile a bit and decided to talk to him while going home.
"Why'd you call mikey?"
"I'll pick you up on the same place again!"
"huh?! no."
"why????i havent seen you today" I can hear the sadness on his voice.
"its not like we're close,mikey."
"but i do want to get close!"
"no thanks, someone's gonna walk with me."
"and who is that someone?! is it your boyfriend?!"
"i dont have a boyfriend,mikey."
"then who is it?"
"its my childhood friend,shes a girl."
"hmph!" he hangs up.

"hey y/n-chan!" Hina greets me with a hug.
"hey hina-chan! lets go home now"
"well about that,my friends wanted to hang out...maybe tomorrow we can go home together okay!"

Even I wanted to go home with her,I said okay and let her hang out with her friends. Let's just hope Mikey isn't waiting for me-

"hey y/n-chan!" Someone calls me on the at the school gate.
"i thought someone was with you?"
"well- you see- she....said she was gonna hang out with her friends."
"well me and ken-chin can drive you home!"
"you and who?" i ask.
"me." The tall man I saw earlier suddenly shows up.
"oh- you- you...."
"I'm Draken. Nice to meet you."
"Y/N L/N,nice to meet you too."
"well,hop on Y/n-chan!"

As said,I hop on Mikey's motorcycle and he was still wearing the same clothes he was wearing yesterday,he didn't smell bad tho. He smelled like strong perfume,which made me kind of hug him.

He giggles to my action,my face heating up. I hide on his jacket before someone sees me blushing,making him giggle again.

We sooner arrived and I thanked him again,Draken also asked for my number so whenever Mikey is not free he can drive me home which made me feel happy. They sooner said their goodbyes and left.

As I open the door,I slided to it whiel silently screaming,why was I blushing the whole time I was with mikey?! Do I like him?

Do I like him...?

Eyy!another day another terrible chapter done:D hope you have/had a great day!

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