Chapter 1: News (Violetta)

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Don't read if you don't like the pairing or comment "make Leonetta" happen because it's not a Leonetta fanfic


"You can't do this to me Dad!" I plead as he shuts the conservatory door."You can't ruin my life like this!"

"It's already been decided and that's enough!" He shouts back, causing me to be silent.Dad never shouts at me like that."If anything, I am doing this for you!"

"Well when I move to Mexico, don't expect to ever hear from me again!"

(Earlier That Day)

"Morning" Diego says in his warm,husky voice that always sends shivers down my spine.

"What's the time!" I say as I look at my watch.9am and I have lessons with my tutor in half an hour! I try to get out of bed when Diego stops me.

"Stay a little longer" Diego says as he kisses my lips softly."Please"

"I really have to go" I say sadly."You know what my Dad's like.See you soon ok?"

I kiss him before grabbing my bag and running out of the room.My Dad will kill me if he finds out that I spent the night at Diego's.


"Violetta?" Dad asks as he enters my room.I quickly climb back through the window and run into my bathroom, locking the door behind me.

"I' the shower!" I shout back as I hear my door unlocking.

"Oh, I'll come back later then!"

Lately my Dad has been on my case....a lot.I mean things with Diego have become even harder to hide.I should ask him what's going on but I would be in so much trouble if I was late to my lessons.I take a quick shower and change into a floral dress, wear light makeup and make my way down the stairs.

"You are late!" Jade screeches as she pushes me into a chair.

"By like two minutes, chill Jade" I say, as she seems to be fuming.

"Princesses don't say chill" Jade complains as I roll my eyes.She annoys me so much!"Now lets work on your maths.."

I remember my phone in my pocket and decide to text Diego.

Wanna meet up later?

I place it on the table but when it vibrates, I go to pick it up when Jade snatches my phone right out of my hands.I try and reach for it but she places it in her bag.

"No distractions" Jade says firmly."Now concentrate on your maths"


 "Aww Vilu!" Angie sighs happily as she enters my bedroom."You look beautiful!"

"Thanks Angie" I say as I hug her."So why am I getting all dressed up?"

"Well your father is throwing a party just for you" Angie explains.

"You know Angie, it's unfair that I can't invite Diego" I moan.

"Violetta, you know how your father would react at you dating the help,now get downstairs soon"

I look at myself in the mirror one last time before leaving my room and going downstairs to see our living room full of people.Everyone claps as I walk down the stairs, which confuses me.

Everyone begins to approach and hug me but I just pay attention to Diego, who is in the corner wearing a suit and carrying a tray.I brush off the people and walk towards him.

"You didn't tell me that you would be here" I whisper.

"I did when I texted you" Diego answers.

"Do you even know why there is a party?" I ask him and he looks angry at me.

"Don't act as if you didn't know, Violetta" Diego says sadly."I don't understand why you didn't be honest with me".He then walks off and I sit on a chair sadly.I just don't understand.Suddenly a boy around my age sits beside me and hands me a drink.

"Hi I'm Leon" He says casually and I shrug my shoulders, not really interested.

"Violetta" I mumble.

"Oh, this is your party" Leon says and I don't understand."Well it was nice to meet you"

"Oh I am glad that you have both met" Dad say as he sits beside us."So I think that your marriage will go really well"


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