Chapter 2: (Diego)

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Diego's P.O.V

I see Violetta leave the conservatory and I am about to follow her when Lady Angeles, her aunt stops me."Diego, I think that you should let her calm down before you approach her" Angeles suggest and I nod in agreement.But what makes me even angrier is that prince following her up to her room.I try and grin as I am working but I can't sto myself from thinking about her.What if she's upset? Well obviously she would be but...I just care about her too much.

Violetta's P.O.V

I open the door into my room and slam it behind me.I can't believe that he would do this to me! I mean marry me? I'm 17! I have barely lived and he wants to get rid of me.I jump as I hear a knock on the door but relax as Leon pokes his head through the door as he opens it."Can I come in?"

"Sure, make yourself at home" I say sarcastically but he seems to take it seriously as he sits on my couch beside me."You know Violetta, marrying he won't be that bad"

"I don't know you so I think that it will" I argue.

"But why don't you try and get to know me?" Leon suggests."I mean this is hard for me too so why don't we date?"

"Date?" I say unsurely."I'm kinda...never mind.Why not?"

"So why don't I take you out to dinner?" Leon asks and I nod in response."How about now?"

"Well I'd rather be anywhere else but here" I say."I'm going to change"


I stare at him awkwardly as he still remains sitting on my couch."This is the part where you leave" I say, a little harsher than intented but he gets the message and leaves my room.


Diego's P.O.V

I leave my tray on a table, check to see if anyone is looking and then run up the stairs to Violetta's room.I stop in my tracks as I see the prince and Violetta rushing out of her room and heading down the hall.For a brief moment, they hold hands as Violetta pulls him back from being discovered by a waiter.

I can't believe that she'd do that, with him.

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