Chapter 9

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Hey go check out my friends new book fairground fears and follow her kira_beszant123 :) sorry if the chapter is short and its going to end on a cliffhanger.

"I do silly"...

"Oh really". Hannah spoke. "Well yes I've liked you every since we met". Hannah was thinking, she still had feelings for Jai. But Hannah thought if Josh liked her she would grow to love him.. "well that's good because I like you to". She said. He smiled at her and blushed. He began to kiss her neck moving up to her lips. He placed his hand onto her breast and the other on her hip. She placed her hands onto his bum and they started to kiss vigorously...

One week later..

Holly had told her parents and her sister's she was getting married. Luke had told his parents and all the boys. Everyone was so excited today Luke and Holly were going to get their rings. Holly wanted a sparkly one but Luke just wanted a plain one. They walked over the counter, "Could we have a plain large sized golden ring and a sparkly small sized silver ring". "Of course you can". The lady said. She returned with two boxes, "one plain one sparkly". She spoke. "Yes, thanks". We took the boxes and opened them. We saw the most beautiful ring inside. "We shall take these". Holly said. "That will be $1000 please". Holly handed over the cash.

2 hours later..

Holly, Hannah and Hattie went to get bridesmaids dresses and a wedding dress. They went into the shop, there were many dresses. Fishtail, meringue, princess one's but Holly knew what she wanted. She wanted a white fishtail dress with sequins on the chest part. She had found her dress it was exactly what she wanted. Now to get her bridesmaids dresses. She had always thought the colour violet looked cute. She picked out two matching violet short dresses which came just above the knee. The dresses were fitted they pulled in at the waist showing off their figures. Hattie and Hannah loved the dresses they were so ecstatic.

They had paid for all the dresses, the wedding was in 3 months. They still had the venue, cake, invites and other things to sort out. Also they boys were getting their suits today, Jai and Beau were gonna be best men. But Daniel, James and Josh were getting their suits. They had taken Josh in as one of them. James and Jai were jealous of him as he was still with Hannah. Jai had the strongest feelings for her, even though he hadn't told her his secret yet..!.

They were in the shop looking for suits. They found six matching black smart suits and white ties to go with them. They were very happy with the suits. They had spent a lot on them too.

Holly and Luke were at home, they were planning their venue. They booked a palace venue it was a big place with a massive garden. They booked food and had ordered a cake with Luke and Holly on it. They booked a DJ and all the boys were going to sing on the night. They had wrote and delivered all the invites.

3 months quickly past..

It was the big day luke and Holly were nervous. Beau and Hattie were getting ready and so was Hannah and Josh. All the boys had put their suits on and were ready to go. The girls were no where near ready, Holly was having her hair curled and put up. Then Hattie and Hannah had there hair down curled. Hattie and Hannah had simple make-up on, but Holly had the works. Holly walked into the room her dress fitted to her beautiful figure. She had new earrings, she borrowed Hattie's hair clip and she had a blue bracelet on. The girls were all dressed in their violet dresses and black heels.

Holly was going in a car with her dad. Her mum was already at the venue with Luke, James, Jai and Daniel. Beau was going and a car with Hattie and Josh with Hannah. Holly got into the mini with her dad and they drove off to the venue. Shortly behind was Josh and Hannah and the other mini. Finally was Beau and Hattie in the last mini .

They started to drive towards the venue they were 20 minutes away. Holly was ecstatic and nervous. Holly was now at the venue and Josh's mini was turning into the venue.

But Beau's car got stuck in traffic, Beau went to turn the corner at the lights. But suddenly swerved as a lorry came straight at them. They swerved off the road rolling down the hill the car continuously flipping over. The car finally jolted to a stop it was upside down! Beau suddenly opened his eyes.. "Hattie"! He shouted. There was no response........

Sorry not going to update for a while for the suspense.

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