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"Miss Winceconsin!" Josh shouted, as Widney drove into the drive way. In Josh's arms was a dying Max. "Something is up with your dog!"

The words she never wanted to hear.

"Maxey!" Widney cries, getting out.

That was one week ago.

Widney can't quite get over the death of Max.

He passed away in his prime.

Widney can never replace her companion of all time.

It's like replacing her mother.

Widney uses a metal detector on the front lawn swinging it from side to side. A gut feeling kept telling her something is not right. Something else lead to Max's death not just his age or internal problems. Josh skates by with his friends past the house.

"Morning!" Josh greets Widney with a wave. "Miss Winceconsin!"

Widney shares a little wave.

She had to know.

The metal detector vibrates.

"What must be so small that only a metal detector can find?" Widney said, putting the metal detector to the side. She takes out her toothpick then combs the small patch of grass using the very same toothpick. The toothpick comes to a stop on something hard and small. "Hm?"

Widney slides some blades of grass to the side.

A strange and unusual invention about the shape of a flute with a small trigger caught Widney's attention.

Widney uses the toothpick to pick up the item.

The toothpick slid into the circular opening and Widney held the item upside down.

The smallest of all shapes resembling the Decepticon symbol is on the back end of the small flute. Widney gets up takining the metal detector. A outrageous theory starts growing in her brain. This is crazy, Widney thought, but might be feasible. Widney puts the small find into a plastic bag and tucks it into her jean pocket. Widney lowers down her summer hat over her eyes. Widney walks over across from the tree holding the metal detector while her hands tremble.

Bing,bing, bing went the metal detector.

Widney puts down the metal detector and lowers herself to the ground.

"Thank god for toothpicks," Widney said,using her same toothpick to find whatever small metal item has been hiding in the grass.

She stops in the blade of grass search.

The toothpick had gone through something so soft and light.

Widney presses back the blades of grass carefully using her left hand. A gray item sticking out of the ground made Widney freeze. Widney puts away the toothpick then carefully lowers her right hand down and down to the small pencil shape item being small like a bluetooth. Her finger feels the soft light parts of feathers. Widney grabs the area where this feather feeling is coming from using her index finger and thumb.

She held it above the grass and put her left hand underneath where she is holding it.

There is a string of writing in the side.

Widney feels anger heating up her head.

SteelJaw had arranged a small decepticon to kill Max.

Why?, Widney thought, as her face gets red and redder, Max never did anything to SJ! She lowers her head tearing up. Is this how he ties up loose ends? Just sending a small 'Con to kill my beloved pal?, Widney thought. A tear lands on the soft blade of grass. The brown dirt gets stained by the tear that slips off the curly grass blade.

Plans began to formulate in Widney's mind.

Widney wipes off her tear.

Widney unzips the plastic bag, puts the item into the bag, then zips it back up and marches back into the house holding the bag and the metal detector. Decepticons are no good. Widney puts the the plastic bag into a drawer in the living room beside the televison set.

Next time Steeljaw came; Widney will not be as friendly.

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