Fox 39

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"I don't think it's a good idea for you to walk me home," Fox said as he glanced sideways at Pyre for the fourth time since they set out after school ended for the day. 

They actually hadn't left school together, but Pyre only took a few minutes to find him and catch up. He didn't respond when Fox spoke, but seemed a bit out of it. He did smell like cigarettes, but he didn't have a lit one between his lips, and Fox knew that the drug didn't usually make people space out. 

"I'll just take you most of the way. Don't worry, I don't want to meet your boys. Unless you think I can beat them in a fight and win your heart," he said, adding that last bit with a wink that made Fox roll his eyes as he continued to walk slightly ahead of the other. 

"Would you like another lunch Monday?" the guy asked, finally winning Fox's full attention as he looked up at him. 

"Yes, please," he replied, already eager to taste the special food again. 

The boy's face lit up as he wrapped an arm around Fox's shoulder. The gesture was unwanted, but before Fox tried to shrug his arm off, he realized that the guy was tapping the right side of his shoulder and giving him a look that definitely wasn't lascivious. 

Is something wrong? 

"I'm sorry for touching you like this without asking, but there's something weird going on. Can you ignore it for a minute while I try to figure out our safest way out of this situation?" Pyre said, barely moving his lips to speak. 

Fox wanted to look around, he if Pyre was already talking extremely quietly, that meant that someone was actively following them... and was possibly already close by. 

My brother? 

If that was the case, he could probably shift and get away pretty easily, but that would leave Pyre on his own to face someone who might have a gun or other weapon. 

If he catches him, he could hurt him or use him against me. 

The idea didn't sit well with him. Granted, he had minimal attachment to the other boy, but their few previous meetings were never really bad. He was also trying to help him now, too. Even though it wasn't his fight and the person, who was likely his brother, was only after him, not Pyre. 

"You could probably run. He only wants to kill me," Fox said as quietly as he could. 

His words made Pyre's seemingly-calm expression falter for a moment before he steeled it again, but with a frown firmly in place this time. 

"Don't you dare say that. You're like an adorable little brother to me now, Fox. I can't just let him hurt you because you don't want me involved. I'm already involved, that's why I tossed my cig and ran after you when I saw him following and staring you down." 

He had seen him stalking me and still came to try and help? 

"You put yourself in danger," he said, earning a slight grin from Pyre as they turned down another, busier street. 

"It's part of the bad boy image," Pyre said jokingly as he guided Fox into a bustling restaurant. 

They were immediately swallowed up by the crowd inside, but Pyre refused to let his arm slip from around Fox's shoulder as they ducked in between the groups. It was far too noisy and confined for Fox's dislike of people, but he forced himself to focus and follow Pyre until they were pushing open a back door and stumbling out into a large alleyway. 

"Damn, my parents really know how to draw a crowd to their big grand-opening event," Pyre joked as he started to run. 

Fox stumbled several times, making Pyre slow to a stop and swipe his backpack again. Even with the weight off, he still wasn't too keen on running. 

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