Fox 17

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(My good friend's dog, Duncan Donut. The best of eclairs. This is probably going to be quite a long book, so don't beat up Henry too badly please XD I actually really like his character.) 

Sitting in front of a class of children, Fox felt himself wobble on his two unsteady feet. He hadn't exactly wanted to go back to school, but he knew that he needed to at least learn more about the basics before he could try to get a job. 

The word alone left a sour taste in his mouth, but he knew that at least some of what Henry had said was true. Hell, he couldn't even count to one-hundred anymore. His mind got stuck somewhere around thirty-eleven something. 

The sixth grade class of children stared back at him with humor shining in their eyes, clearly on the edge of bursting into laughter. 

"Fox? Wake up, bud." 

Blinking, Fox stretched his paws over his head and rolled onto his belly, then gave a little shake before squirming his way out from beneath the blankets. He knew right away that he was back in his animal form, and couldn't have been happier. Well... Looking up, he saw Noah standing beside the bed with a tired smile on his face. His fancy suit was unbuttoned and his hair was a mess, likely from his habit of rolling down the windows while he drove, even though it was pretty cold outside recently. 

It had been a few days since he'd had that tense talk with Henry, and thankfully, the man had stayed away, likely busy with his business. There were holidays coming up soon, or so he'd heard from the television, and that had kept Noah quite busy, too. 

Flicking the tip of his tail eagerly, Fox hopped to the edge of the bed. Noah met him with a gentle pat to the head before sitting down beside him. Fox climbed into the man's lap as soon as it was available, then leaned into his chest. 

"You've gotten a lot more tolerant of us recently, huh?" Noah said, making Fox flick an ear as he received another pat to the head. 

Just you. 

"Hanukah is coming up, though I don't really celebrate it much anymore, besides lighting the candles. I think Henry was planning on bringing over a small tree for Christmas, too, so I guess we'll just do a little mix of the two." 

Guess he didn't hear me. Oh well. 

He didn't mind the holiday idea, either. Heck, he actually was looking forward to a tree in the living room. He would have requested one much earlier, but he'd thought that Noah might have frowned upon chopping one down and dragging it inside. 

Noah pulled Fox up into a gentle hug, earning the slightest growl for the action. Sure, he did enjoy the man's presence, and did want to get to know him better, but there was a rather large time frame where those thoughts would play out, and it definitely wasn't three days from when the decisions were made. 

"Sorry, I know you aren't quite used to being cuddled yet," Noah said as he leaned over and set Fox down on the floor, then stood up and headed out of the room toward the kitchen, tugging off his jacket as he went. 

I don't like that word. Cuddled. 

He was not a puppy or kitten to cuddle

Noah snickered as he set his coat on the back of one of the dining room chairs, then went about getting something ready for dinner. Instead of just going to lie on his bed of blankets, Fox sat at the entrance of the kitchen and watched Noah work, taking in as much as his twitchy mind could before it got bored and made his eyes begin to wander about. 

"How have you been, Fox? Sorry I've been gone so much recently. Hopefully things will calm down after the holidays are over," Noah said as he got out a few more ingredients. 

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