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Arriving in my Desire Reality:
I will smell sweets like candy and chocolate and I will feel 5 tap on my cheek
It will be August 30, 1991
I will wake up in my dormitory at Slytherin common room

In my Desire Reality:
I'm immune to pregnancy
I'm immune to menstrual cycle
I have perfect skin and teeth
My eye vision is 20/20
My eyebrows always fixed
I'm immune to undesired body odor
My nails always done
My breath always smells minty and cherry
My lips are smooth and soft
I have soft hands
I'm very healthy
I have a perfect posture
I barely sweat if does it's odorless
My teeth are always clean from food
I know my way around the school
I know my schedule
I'm academic prodigy
I'm great at comeback
I'm always gets a good night
My bed is comfortable
I have clear nose it's free from boogies
I have fast metabolism
I know how to ride a broomstick and I don't get motion sickness
I know the spells and wand movement that I can easily perform them
I can do nonverbal and wandless spell
Voldemort is dead and no one is tries to carry out his legacy
There's a secret biomlescent pool
I have my own dorm and bathroom
I can't get kickout or expelled
I can't get suspended in Hogwarts
I can't get sent in Azkaban
I can get a Hogwarts express pass every weekend to leave and visit muggle cities with my friends
I am pureblood witch
Dumbledore can't read my mind
I can't die in my Desire Reality
When I leave my desire reality I will return at the same place everything left off unless I script otherwise.
I will not face any mental or physical abuse in my Desire Reality
I can sleep in my Desire Reality without waking in my current reality
I have perfect hand writing
I fit in when I first shift
Detention can only be a week
I will not bring trauma back to my current reality
I'm smart
I don't have gag reflux
I'm good at sex and I know what I'm doing
I'm very seductive
My body taste like vanilla, strawberry and milk
I cannot badly injured
I can't get acne
I can run and walk without fatigue
I always smell so good
No one's gonna notice that I shifted
I can't get cheated on
None of my friends can die unless I script
I can't get weight
If I drink truth serum I won't reveal anything about my shifting
I have watch that has my current reality time
I don't get voice crack
Homework is easy for me
My love ones and I are safe in my Desire Reality
I don't get nightmares
I have a good hygiene
I know how to speak Tagalog and French
I don't get tired easily
There's a spring ball and yule ball yearly
There's a different safe and enjoyable events in Hogwarts every autumn
Yearly there's a flower festival
Every November there's a Halloween party with everyone wearing a costume
I can't run out of money
I am not picky eater
I always pass all my classes
I'm really good at quidditch as a chaser
There's no homophobia nor racism in my Desire Reality
I know how to throw hands
I can message my clone from my desire reality to see what's happening in my current reality
My clone workout for me
I am good at make up and hairstyle
I wink pretty
I'm effortlessly gorgeous
I don't have earwax
People like when I hug them
I am not shy to eat in front of people
I have pretty humming voice
I can read stars and very familiar with astronomy
I'm immune to Amortentia
I have permission to visit Hogsmeade
I spent summer break, Christmas and New Year with Draco Malfoy
I'm good dancer
I never get caught sneaking into other dorm or common room
I know every passwords at every houses in Hogwarts
I never forget my shifting script
I never forget my safe word
My eyes will automatically open once I arrived at my desire reality
I won't shift back by accident in my current reality
I have closet with unlimited outfit that fits on me perfectly
Food in my Desire Reality are delicious
I will remember everything from my current reality when I go to my desire reality and I can remember everything from my desire reality when I go back to my current reality
I'm immune to the unforgivable curses
My memories can't be obliviate and no one can read my mind
I'm immune to misplace anything
Fred and George won't prank me
I am good at kissing
I blush easily
I'm good at socializing
My time frame: 1 hour in my current reality is equivalent to 2 Months in my Desire Reality.
I can sleep in my Desire Reality without waking up at my current reality
I won't experience any trauma
I cannot get stuck in my Desire Reality
I don't get sick when I shift to my desire reality
I have my own house elf named Sally that served me even I'm in Hogwarts
I have an attractive voice.
I know how to tie a tie
I'm good at using quill
I have a bunch of beautiful pen
I have art materials for sketching and painting and DIY things
Shifting back to my desire reality is easy for me
I own an enchanted car model: Bugatti La Voiture Noire
My vagina, armpit and butt is odorless
My feet always smell like strawberry milk
I have clear skin
I have a complex that my cheeks are rosy that looks like a blush for everyone
I can sleep on Draco's dorm next to him wearing his jumper
I have a very beautiful girly steady voice that even I sing it won't affect my Mezzo-soprano tone when singing.
I do not have Refractive Errors, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Diabetic Retinopathy, Glaucoma, Amblyopia my eyes are perfectly fine and healthy
My fart isn't stinky
I have cellphone with Tom Felton's photo and a playlist of album written by Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Feltsbeat, and many classical, pop and jazz music I could sing and dance off
My cellphone has no widget nor photos of my current reality
I have unlimited clean and beautiful underwear to wear everyday
When I shifted to Hogwarts I am wearing a clothes fit to the occasion and I don't look naked at all.
I know way around back and forth from Rosier manor to Weasley burrow and Malfoy Manor.
I know around London.
I am good at board games.
I am a fast learner.

Once I shifted to Hogwarts I'm wearing this clothesI never get hit by a killing curse

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Once I shifted to Hogwarts I'm wearing this clothes
I never get hit by a killing curse.
I'm fluent at English and French
I communicate with everyone without being creep and without being awkward.
I am good at puns.
I know everyone around me
Astoria Greengrass doesn't exist.
Everyone is aging like a fine wine.
I only get pregnant once I got married

My Desire Reality ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now