My Backstory

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Alexander and Gabriel are twins they both are very protective towards me, Victoria is the older sister we had next is Phoebe, our parents are both workaholic they trust Phoebe, Alexander and Gabriel to be my guardian since I'm much more of the youngest and their baby sister. They are always reminding me to be a good girl and not to be a disappointment, every summer break I always spending my time with Draco, Blaise, Theodore, Pansy and Harry. Harry's parents are both alive they are very sweet and loving person, Bellatrix always there when someone is being a bully towards me she is my godmother and she treated me as her own child. Draco is a teaser towards me, but if someone hurt me emotionally or physically he's there to be my protector he always makes me smile we spent our summer break and holiday together with our family. He's like a brother to my siblings but they don't know that I'm in love with Draco and they never know I kissed him under the tree while we're both star gazing. My family is crazy wealthy I never lack of money, and I'm so good at Divination, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Herbology, everytime I visited our relatives in Yaxley they always see me as a spoiled brat they hated me for getting whatever I want without realizing I've been doing everything to make my family proud. Yaxley despise me for being who I am, and how my parents and siblings treated me that I never asked for, they love my twin brother lucas more than me, my grandparents in yaxley hate me they always told me to go away and don't stray around they don't want to see my face, but my grandparents in Rosier are always there to welcome me and accept me with their whole hearted. I was supposed to be in Beauxbatons but I choose Hogwarts not just because I want to prove my worth but also because I can't leave Draco he's the only person who understand me he's the only person I understand we both experiencing the pressure of not being a disappointment, Draco and I are both in Top 1 in every year, at our 2nd year draco and I got the title of Slytherin Princess and Prince. Professor Snape is very strict like my parents to me he hate it when I come so early to his classroom and he hates when I didn't come so early, professor Dumbledore is very weird manipulative old man he's the only professor I don't like at all. My father always remind me that he's a minister and whomever tried mess with me he'll put on their place, he's very intelligent, adaptive and very resourceful that no one can replace him as a minister.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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