Sorry to all my Hololive fans for this taking so long but here the next one in line. One of the Members who has one of the smoothest voice and one of the most laid back member many people favorite Cat and Onigiri.
Nekomata Okayu
Current Title: The Aloof Cat
Current Ranking: #23
Fall under council Member: Ouro Kronii
Destructive Ability: C+
Speed: A-
Strength: (Fist: C+, Kicks: A-)
Striking ability: B-
Durability: B-
Stamina: B-
Range: C+
Intelligence: AOkayu is one of the more mysterious members of Hololive. For one, on record has it she doesn't fight or train/spar against a lot of against the other members. She has gone against a few, but only a handful has seen her gone fully all out. She sees no point too. One of the only members WHOEVER has seen her go all out is, well, the one she trains with the most, Korone, her best friend. Okayu is known for one thing mainly...LONG DRAWN-OUT FIGHT!!! She will drag out a fight which leads to many and many of her victories.
With her laid-back nature, when she goes into a match, she usually calm and fight carefully to see how to whittle down her opponent's stamina and more. She developed a Fighting style while training with Korone a lot since it states by her when it comes to being a member of SMOK, she has the least strong strength-wise, so rely on her agility and her keen eyes. Thank her for training with Korone. She has been able to take a punch, but she stated Korone is a bad match-up for her since they know each other Fighting style so well, and Korone has combined and mix different fighting styles in her fighting. This in turn, has helped Okayu against most Energy base fighters meaning she is TERRIBLE MATCH up against fighters like Shion or Kanata, hell even Pekora. They use a lot of energy-based attacks. Her elusiveness and evasion/Dodging is one of the highest in Hololive.
Most who could or maybe give her trouble are up close in fighter or fighter who has studied and keen with in-fighting style. Such as Fubuki and Korone. But against other fighters like Noel or Subaru, who are somewhat used to fighting hand combat style since there not as proficient at it as the other two, she can give them some major trouble. But a fighting style she has developed thanks to Korone is that she knew she could never match Korone pure Punching Power. To be the opposite of Korone, who very top-heavy fighter, she uses more Kicks! Allowing her to use different kicking styles. She knows some hand to hand to combat (this could go with the fact she is trying to become more of an all-around fighter since the Myth are just down RIGHT DISGUSTING when it comes to scaling against them).
But some skills or moves she could come up with are like one of Six Power from One piece (yep, using that again). The move Tempest a move an air cutter base move. She could also know Skywalk (but that is up to Kug). With her Cat like nature and laid back, she has combined it with her Instinct Skill which she does act somewhat more feral, but it makes her a lot calmer, and it is almost scary since Korone has stated when she use Instinct, she will go completely silent and she like watching her pray. Her eyes become more shaper and allow her to see some muscle movement fighter can make (it like the see-through world from Demon Slayer) (look, I say I went back and change a lot and had to boost up all the members). She also developed this by watching many of Korone fight since she needs something to help her against those ways faster than her. She can hold the see-through world for long but enough to turn a match if she gets into one. And instinct also increases her hearing, of course, and her evasion skills. Her Instinct could be the closest to UI's ability to dodge attacks. She IS NOT invincible and holds it for too long, and she still gets hit in just super hard to hit her.
Her tail also to seem can be mix in her style. Not only does it allow her to wrap her tail around someone and help her move around better. Her fighting style hugely involved around being as elusive as possible. When it comes to special ability other than the Tempest Kick mention earlier and maybe Skywalk, there is not much but something she can do. It seems to combine with kicking style; she can mix her spiritual energy to her kick which allows her a further reach (almost like charka blades to help her reach). She can do a cartwheel combine with tempest. Fire off multiple tempest kick-off in rapid session. (Really, anything involving kicks goes I couldn't think of much) she does seem to have an attack with her claw-like claw shockwave, which she uses with her spiritual energy and Instinct. As a joking attack, she could summon a giant onigiri to slam down her opponent.
When it comes to weapons there really isn't to note from the note and study I have seen Okayu seem to fight bare handed, which lead many to believe why she does so well against weapon wielder since she can read them easier in eyes then hand to hand fighters. To this day only the gamers has seen what a Okayu who has gone out look like and no hold bars look like. Korone has seen it the most but there no record of it. She also doesn't have A stand or A domain. There isn't much for Okayu since she doesn't fight as often as her friends/lover Korone but she isn't no slush Since she train her and the gamers mainly.
Some of noticeable achievement or accomplishment has been able to fight Korone sometimes, have been state to beaten Korone in one of there many matches but Korone hold the win record between them, has seen and withstand Haato chaotic energy side. Beaten all Gen 2cd in one on one and has beaten Aqua and Shion together alone. Has been able to push Fubuki to her limits a few times. Overall Okayu might be a mystery somewhat but her close connection to Korone has help her become one of the member you can't lightly and go in guns a blazing in a fight or she will beat you!
As many you might be able see Yeah Okayu was a tough one this one had me stump a bit.
Do let me know if I miss anything or I should add anything.
Until next time later everyone and Thanks for reading.
Hololive Production is a virtual YouTuber talent agency owned by Japanese tech entertainment company Cover Corporation.

Hololive Skills, Power, and weapon, and mixture of lore mix with it.
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