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"What's next?" I ask Zoe, needing reminding. "P.E with the boys" She smirks. I stop. "No" I cry. "You have to" She sighs. "I'll skip it. Its one lesson" I mutter. "Yes, but if you skip this one lesson it's another suspension" She reminds me. Fuck. "I hate you" I grunt. "No, you hate it when I'm right" She corrects. We head towards the changing rooms and I notice Shawn. "Are you seriously going to avoid him?" She asks. I nod. "Why does it annoy you so much?" She asks. I shrug. "It's not a matter of him annoying me. I just don't understand him. He literally goes out of his way to stop me from getting with someone who I was a dare too, yet he pulls out of hooking up with me?" I rant. Zoe widens her eyes. "He's stood right behind me isn't he" I ask, and stand next to her. "Aren't you supposed to be getting changed?" I ask. "Let me explain why" he starts but I just walk into the changing rooms. "Let's just get this stupid lesson over with" I mutter.

"Right you miserable lot! This week it's basketball!" The coach shouts. "Fogharty and Smith, you're captains!" He shouts. They pick the teams. He best not pick me. "Chloe" The second captain, Rosie Smith, shouts. I smirk, and walk to my team. "Zoe" Shawn shouts. "Jack" Rosie shouts. It continues this way until everyone is on a team. It's a double lesson so we get a break after 1 hour. When it gets to that point, our team is winning. I smirk. "Suck on that, Fogharty" I hiss as I grab my water. As I drink half the bottle, he whispers "thirsty?" I clench my fists and go and sit by Rosie. Not before giving him the middle finger. "What's with you two? You're worse than usual" She asks. "It's a long story. I just really want to punch him today" I sigh, and lean my head against the wall as we sit in the corridor. He walks out with Jack and one of the other lads. "Tell it to your face" She whispers, as I glance at him. I smile. "Don't" I laugh. "Just saying what is obvious" She teases. "So, if you like him - and he obviously likes you - why are you pissed?" She adds. I sigh. "Well, he had the chance to hook up with me, and he walked off" I explain, getting straight to the point. When he comes back, I mutter "He is so fit" I realise he's took his shirt off. "Scarring us for life, boys?" Rosie asks. "All of us are doing it" Jack says. I quickly look away. "Well, we'll see who works up a sweat then won't we" I smile sweetly. "Oh, and Shawn?" I ask. "Yeah?" He asks, hopeful as ever. "Try not to pull a muscle. Although you can't pull what you don't have" I smile sweetly, and walk past them with Rosie. Just in time to hear Jack say "Someone get an ambulance because she is on fire" I look at Rosie and we just crack up laughing.

As we finish the game - we won, of course - us girls look around to see who was able to keep up. Most of the lads are knackered and can barely stand. "Shawn, Jack, Brett and Jake are the only ones standing" Zoe laughs. "Oh my god, look at Jordan" I laugh, and see him in a corner. "He had to stop early because you were all too much for him" Jake says, overhearing us. "Serves him right" I grin. "God, you girls are tough" Brett laughs. "Mhm" Jack mutters, staring at Rosie. I nudge her, smirking. "What about you, Fogharty? Did you manage to keep up?" I ask. He steps in front of me. "Oh, you know I can keep up" He grins. I roll my eyes. "I'm just getting started" I whisper, and walk back to the changing room.

After school
I'm at the garage my brother works part time at. "Hey, Chloe" Shawn shouts. I sigh. He's wearing a vest top. Why does he look so good?! Especially when doing his work. I walk over to him. "Talk" I say. "What?" He asks. "Why did you reject me in 7 minutes?" I ask. "Seriously? It was a game!" he cries, getting frustrated. I scowl. "That's not an answer" I mutter. "I wanted you to remember us hooking up" He shouts. I smile. "When's your break?" I ask. "In ten minutes" He tells me. "Meet me out back then" I shout and walk out.

"Hey" He says, as he walks out. "Hey" I smile. "What's up?" He asks. I laugh. "Are we gonna pretend this is a normal situation?" I ask. He laughs and I can't help but smile. "This is definitely not a normal situation. For starters, we've been at war since" he starts but I cut him off. "Okay, at war is a bit far fetched" I scoff. He looks at me. "You punched me because I walked in the room" He laughs. I smile. "Oh yeah, I remember that. That was a good day" I smile. "You got sent to iso!" He shouts. "Didn't have to be in Mr Christie's class though" I shrug. "Ugh, he was such a shit teacher" Shawn groans. I smirk. I love changing the topic. "Hey! Back to the subject, you!" He laughs, realising. Damn. "Aswell as that, you got pissed over a game" he adds. I look down at the ground. "Full disclosure, I thought that was because you didn't want me" I confess. "Are you crazy?!" He asks. I pull a face. "Potentially, yes" I grin, earning a nudge. "I just couldn't handle it so I acted out" I explain. "What about now?" He asks. I shake my head. "Well, now, I'm willing to" I start, but I'm cut off. "It's busy today, isn't it" I look up and I see Jordan's youngest - AND most unhinged - sister,  Carla. "I should go" I whisper. "Chloe, wait" Shawn starts. I shake my head. "I need to get home. I'll talk to you when you're back, yeah?" I respond. I rush out, to breathe in the fresh air, but I go dizzy from fear and pass out

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