Playmates forever

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Emely POV:

It's been over two weeks since I've been coming back in fourth to play with Cathleen.

And after playing with her I learned she loved to play games, but some of them were far from normal.

They were quite particular, very particular.


Snapping out of my thoughts and quickly turned my attention to the raven-haired girl.

"I'm sorry what are we playing now."

I rub my neck as she intensely stared at me before taking on a pleasant smile.

"You seem to be very distracted lately Emely, have you found another blonde to play with?

I felt a sudden chill up my spine, as I racked my brain for an answer to satisfy her.

"No,...I'm just a little sleepy lately."

"I'd that so."


I watch her every movement hoping she won't get angry.

I hate it when she gets angry.

To satisfy her rage she'll make someone feel pain, just like last time.

That poor maid.

What did she do to deserve that?

My body shudders just thinking about what that poor person had to endure.

The maid was also blonde and that's not even the worst part, out of all of the servants and guards I had to afflict that pain on those poor unfortunate people.

I cringe at the thought of harming someone again.

The sinful feeling was unbearable.

But like any other, I didn't want myself to be her next victim.

I zone out watching her stroke the doll's curls.

I couldn't help but watch

"Emely are you alright you did it again."

I quickly nod that I am.

"No your not."

"Don't lie to me."

"You know I hate liars Emely."

I gulp.

"Yes, I remember I'm just like I said before sleepy that's all."

"If you say so."

She glared at me before going back to brushing her doll's hair.

The same one from last time but this time it wasn't missing a head.

I almost showed a very unwanted expression.

But instead, I quickly smiled before yawning softly.

Cathleen's eyes flickered from the doll to me.

She tilted her head slightly before returning the smile.

"I see you're tired."

I sign in relief.

"She bought it." I thought to myself.

Then her next words made my face pale.

"How bout a nap in my room."

Luckily she wasn't looking my way when the color in my cheeks vanished which gave me enough time to recover.

And enough time to give her an uncertain smile.

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