Chapter 2

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I stared at Calum and noticed how much he has really changed. He was a lot taller , no more pimples , an almost completely faded blonde streak in his hair, and he dressed differently. I mean of course he still looked very attractive ,but his personality was not something I liked anymore. After the long silence a man I assumed was there body guard came in and asked if they were done.
The other boys looked at Calum. Calum replied with " yes there isn't anything that interests me here anymore .. More like disgusts me". I was so astonished by what came out of this mouth and I was sure not going to let him get away with that.
" who the hell do you think you are? That was so fucking rude."
" Oh wow . I'm the rude one ? You are the one that just fucking screamed at me and made fun of my band . " I wanted to tell him off and prove my reasons for my behavior , but I decided not to give him the satisfaction of seeing me like this.
"Get out and have a nice day "
" gladly " he started to walk towards the direction of the door , but he made sure to put a smile on first so that his fans waiting outside didn't get worried . The guys followed slowly behind him . I didn't know what to say I thought as I looked at Emma she began to laugh . I wasn't sure why. Her face was getting a light red and that's when I realized why it was funny . This was such a ridiculous situation.
I began to laugh with her until she abruptly stopped.
" do you hate him ? "
" yes "
"I don't believe you. It feels like you are hiding something .
I looked out the window and saw the boys go into the hotel across from the cafe . I then looked back at Emma
" I would never hide anything from you "
" I'm sorry Elena but I'm finding it really hard to believe you. You told me you guys were friends but then you moved to New York and you two drifted apart . You said he was a guy you went to school with , nothing special . Is that really the truth ? "
" Em.. "
" oh my god . I can't believe this , I tell your everything . EVERY FUCKING THING . My parents dying when I was 5 , My ex boyfriend , when I fucked up a got caught for stealing, getting adopted . All of that because I trust you . Do you not trust me to tell me about someone who impacted your life so much . Is that it? You know what I'm
leaving I can't take this bullshit ."
I looked at her not surprised at her tone , but surprised that she was using it towards me .
" you are overreacting , Calum is a nobody he is in the past ."
" shut the fuck up Alright . It was obvious to anyone with any sense that you have not put whatever happened between you two in the past & he certainly has "
" what are you saying ?"
"I'm saying that you hate it so much that he is acting like everything is fine while you are still hung up on him. So get your act together and call me when I give a shit! " she walked out before I could say anything else . I didn't want to admit she was right because I wasn't sure if she was . All I knew was that Calum found a way to ruin my life once again . I needed to fix what I did which meant telling her everything something I wish I didn't have to do. She was probably going to the place they built a few blocks from here for the people who died during 9/11 . She was always passionate about things like that especially since 9/11 was the cause of her parents death. She goes to read the words on the plaques and just sit with them. I made my way over there and surely there she was siting on a bench staring up at the fountain.
"Emma.." I said softly not trying to scare her.
"I know I went a little over board , but I just thought you were comfortable enough to tell me that kind of stuff .. I guess not" she said quietly , still looking at the fountain .
" I am em .. It's just a touchy subject , but you were right to act that way which is why I'm going to tell you what happened between me and Calum."
" seriously ?!? Oh thank god that was easy .. I had a bunch of more sad friendship cards to play " she said in her usual excited tone. I laugh slightly not wanting to disturb the other people who were here .
" okay wow where do I start ?"
" how about when start loving him ?"
" woah woah woah love and Calum hood should not be used in the same sentence. "
" oh shut up he is fucking gorgeous " she said a little too loud .
" I thought you liked Ashton " I said teasing her
" First of all I never said I liked Ashton he just has a nice face and second of all don't change the subject . Tell me about the hot sex you and Calum had. She said we a smirk on her face.
" oh my god Emma that's disgusting and you said he was your baby."
" okay shush and tell me everything " she eager to know more .
" okay well we met in middle school I had just moved there and I was the weird american girl haha . He was the first to talk to me and we were best friends from then on , but it wasn't one of those friendships were we only talked to each other and didn't have any other friends that we trusted . So I started to have feelings for him , you know like every other girl with a hot best friend "
" Ah! So you admit he's hot "
" Shh that isn't the point . "
" okay continue "
" okay so it started turning into something more and he took my Virginity . The next day everything seemed fine until he left for tour with One Direction without even saying anything literally the day after we had Sex . I had no warning or explanation."
" oh crap that's .. That's .. Wow he's a jerk"
" yeah he is , but I'm not going to let this be like the movies where the guy comes back and wins her back . Not going to happen okay ? "
She looks at me obviously not sure what to say to me . It stays quiet for another minute until she speaks up .
" okay can you at least attempt to forgive him , do you really want to hold this grudge any longer than you already have ? " what she said made sense , but me and Calum haven't had a friendly conversation in years and anyways this isn't a grudge.
" I'm not holding a grudge it just he deserves to be hurt the way I felt when he left after I literally opened my most private thing to him " I said with more anger than I had planned .
"Yeah your totally over it " she said sarcastically .
" I'm sorry I just I can't talk to him . " I looked up at the sky which I regretted completely because the sun temporarily blinded me .
" does he know .. Uhmm .. About you know ? "
" about how I used to be sick ? Yes which makes it all the worse .. I guess guys really do look for big boobs not sick skinny girls " I said laughing awkwardly . I wouldn't say I'm have 100% recovered from my illness , but I'm a lot stronger than the last time I saw Calum . My doctor does all she can to get me to be like a normal healthy girl , but I'm still slightly not interested in food all the time .
" don't say that . Your an amazing person , personality and body wise . " Well Calum sure as hell didn't think so .. Ah what am I doing letting him get into my head again. He no longer can decide how I think or feel. I will not break again because of him . I keep thinking about how I'm not going to let Calum in , but it doesn't hide the voice in the back of my head saying .. I still love him .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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