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Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn28 yrs oldMain lead

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Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn
28 yrs old
Main lead

Off Jumpol Adulkittiporn28 yrs oldMain lead

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Gun Atthapan
25 yrs old
Main lead

White nawat25 yrs oldGun friends

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White nawat
25 yrs old
Gun friends

Mix sahaphap25 yrs oldGun friends

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Mix sahaphap
25 yrs old
Gun friends

New thitipoom25 yrs oldGun friends

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New thitipoom
25 yrs old
Gun friends

Earth pirapat28 yrs old Off friends

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Earth pirapat
28 yrs old
Off friends

Earth pirapat28 yrs old Off friends

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Tay tawan
28 yrs old
Off friends

Mond tanutchai28 yrs oldOff friends

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Mond tanutchai
28 yrs old
Off friends

Mond tanutchai28 yrs oldOff friends

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Arm weerayut
28 yrs old
Off friends

Side character

Ching ching
23 yrs old

Off mum
55 yrs old

Gun mom
55 yrs old

Off dad
62 yrs old

Gun dad
63 yrs old



There's 4 special character but it's a secret later you guys will know it

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