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Hi! I'm the Author, you can refer to me as either MnM or Chipi. I don't really care.
This entire thing is basically just about a mc realm thing I'm in that has lore. When I finish this It'll probably become it's own series of stories about the realm. We're starting of with the character I know the most and moving in from there. There will be references to other kinds of relationships, LGBTQ, trans, and all that good shit so if you don't like any of those get the fuck of my page.

By the way, TW because there's probably gonna be some fucked up shit in this. Mostly because of the main characters and how they fucking came into existence, mainly Abu though. If you're sensitive to death, gore, the mentioning of dead bodies, literal dead bodies, or get easily irritated at characters that are dumbass, you should probably click off. Sorry, just want to make sure everyone's okay and not in a bad mood reading. Moving on;

This book in particular is about Em and Abu. Mother-daughter relationship, albeit not related. I didn't tag this as found family mostly because I don't completely know what found family is, if you do please educate me. If you check out my other stories, be aware that all of them were abandoned.

I'll tag the people that are included in the story (that I have the wattpad accounts of) at the bottom.

All you truly need to know, at least at this moment, is the following. Abu is quite literally made of pollution, fish, and dead bodies, Em is immortal and has lived for fuck knows how long, TV Man is TV Man, That Tangy/Ade is from another planet and is a borderline god, and Bagel is Bagel.

That was long but this book will be as well.

Happy reading :]

TAGS: _tangy_vanilla_ Abu_ATC Azul_2007

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