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I got up groggily knowing very well that TV would probably pull me off my bed if I didn't.
I groaned in annoyance. I had barely gotten any sleep last night due to Michael crying almost all night. I should go check in him anyway.

I grabbed a hair-tie, pulling my hair into a tight bun. I didn't bother changing out of my pajamas, I need to make sure that Michael is still asleep. I sluggishly walked out of my room and climbed up the ladder. Pushing myself onto the top floor I sat there for a minute. "Michael I swear to god if you're not asleep-" I muttered. Slowly standing up I trudge my way down the stairs, through the farm, and into Michael's room.

"Mikey? You asleep bub?" I mumbled knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to hear me. I walked up the stairs of his room and peered into the bed-area of his room. He was snuggled up in his green blankets, his pink ears twitching ever now and then. "Awee" I coo. Why must he be so adorable?

Satisfied with my findings I made my way back to my room, closing his door behind me. The moment I got back down the ladder I saw a face, well TV, I was all too familiar with. His iconic yellow TV peeking out of his room. The black screen of TV turned towards me. A sticky note in the middle of the screen depicted a face with little eye bags under the dots, which I assumed where eyes. A small frown accommodated the look, making it fairly obvious how the felt.

"Morning, TV" I yawned, my hand covering my mouth as I do so.

"Morning." He responded back knelling down next to his door and digging through his chest.

"You mind going fishing today? I want to make salmon tonight." I asked causally when in reality I had absolutely no idea if he'd even respond, despite living here for a few months. We've never really talked much, just agreed that we'd live together.

"Yeah sure, was planning on fishing anyway" He agreed, pulling out his fishing rod along with some cobblestone.

"Cool! Thanks!" I smiled, walking into my room and shutting the door. I changed into my day-to-day outfit which consisted of a collared shirt, a red tie, brown slacks, and black shoes. I decided I'd organize my drawers today seeing as I had nothing better to do.

- time skip because I don't know what the fuck else to do -

I just finished the chests by the stairs when I heard the door slam open, quiet cursing being heard. I turned around and saw TV with what looks to be god's first attempt at a mermaid. She beamed at me, her smile seemingly brighter than fire.

"BLUB!" She shouted out, rocking her heels in what I'd assume to be excitement.

"Uh, TV, what the fuck?" I asked, looking up from my spot in the floor to see the very distressed man in front of me.

"I fished her up, I don't know what the fuck she is, I think she's a child??" He rambled, obviously freaking the fuck out.

"Hey! It's okay, I'll figure it out. How about you go check on Michael?" I responded calmly. He speed walks down the stairs muttering to himself along the way. I look back at the short girl in front of me, her dark brown hair flowing down her back. Her blue eyes peering up at me in pure curiosity, her body covered in patches of green-blue foam. Despite all of that her ears were what stood out to me the most. The looked like the sides of axolotls heads but pushed back and smaller.

"Blub!" She said again, however this time quieter.

"What the hell am I gonna do with you?" I asked myself, patting her head gently. She seemed to enjoy it, pressing her head further into my palm.

Guess I'm taking care of you now, huh?

That's a rap! I changed some things from how they went down in the actual roleplay for plot purposes but this is how they meet! The next chapter will be longer! Buh bai cuties :D

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