Quotes 345 - 564

730 22 36

Amity, getting revenge: don't worry. Emira likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read her diary. 

Viney: she thinks it's fancy?


Willow: let's get one thing straight here 







Willow: that was hard for all of us


Edric: two broooos chillin' in a hot tub! Five feet apart 'cuz they're not gay!


Hunter: you're my boyfriend 


Hunter: you're sitting on my lap right now


Hunter: everything you just said is inaccurate


Amity: I can't drive, I'm gay. Eda?

Eda: *nervous sweating*


Luz: I have an awesome gaydar! I can tell if someone's gay or just by glancing at them!

Amity: i've had a crush on you for months

Luz: WHAT-


Perry: Now a gay update from Amity Blight

Amity, staring at Luz: getting gayer

Perry: great, now for the weather-


Amity, to Willow: I'm really good at hiding who my crush is

Luz: hi, guys!

Amity: I've gotta gay


Willow: *skeptical Willow face*


Edric: *running into a room where Amity and Luz are hanging out together*

Edric: everyone in this room was entirely straight



Edric: April fools


Luz: stand up straight, Amity!

Amity: I can't

Luz: Fair enough

Luz: *sits down*


Luz: *picks nose*

Amity: *GAY PANIC*


Gus: knock knock 

Hunter: why is my elbow wet

EddieBoi: sorry I ate spaghetti off of it

Gus: nevermind this is more funny than my joke will ever be


Luz: did Amity just tell me she loved me for the first time?

Willow: yeah

Luz: and did I do finger guns back?

Willow: yeah

Willow: you did


Lilith: let's talk about the nervous system 

Hunter: actually all my systems are nervous



Young Lilith: Eda, what's this?

Young Eda: it's my to-do list

Young Lilith: Oh, that's grea-

Young Lilith: ...it just says "Raine Whispers"


Hunter: what are you thankful for

Edric: Your di—

Amity: *gives him the death glare*

Edric: eeeeeeeeelightful personality!


Hunter: what are you doing?

Edric, hanging upside down from a tree: trying to kiss you

Hunter: get down you're gunna fall

Edric: ...

Edric: shut up and kiss me I'm getting lightheaded


Amity: I'm dating Luz

Boscha: I always thought your standards were low, but not that low


Boscha: Don't be wholesome, it makes me feel like a prick.

Luz: Feel like?


Luz: *rings doorbell*

Hunter, from inside: I HAVE A GUN!

Luz: *sighs* No, Hunter, it's Luz!

Hunter, opening the door: *cheerfully* Hello, Luz!


Willow: are you in love with Luz?

Amity: *nervous gay sweating* no-

Willow: then why did you write A+L everywhere??

Amity, panicking: it stands for agony and lightheadedness


Teacher: welcome to salsa class! Ready to dance?

Luz, hiding a bag of tortilla chips: there must of been some kind of misunderstanding-

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