a moment of vulnerability

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It was normal to rain in London. It was just the way it is. Whole cloudy days pouring billions of raindrops over the city. This afternoon wasn't much different than the other ones. (Y/N) had to wipe the floor at least 5 times today because it was getting muggy from the dirty and wet shoes worn by the people coming into the store. Her family's flower shop was very famous, so it was always full. Considering that Mother's Day is right around the corner, they've been working non-stop, no matter if it was sunny or rainy outside. It was driving all the employees insane and her parents had to hire some more people to help out during busy times.

By the end of the day, they were all exhausted. Mr and Mrs (Y/L/N) called it a day early to go home and do some part of the account of the business, trusting the store with their two daughters. While Willa finished cleaning around, (Y/N) was putting together a beautiful roses bouquet on a box as she drank a hot cup of tea. If there's a thing she loves doing the most is the bouquets. The shop sells all sorts of plants, but they were famous for their beautiful flower arrangements, all made by the delicate hands of the (Y/L/N)'s youngest daughter. But by the time she finished the last ribbon, her hands started to cramp and she decided it was time to call it off.

Willa was cleaning the counter when the front door opened, shaking the little bell used to announce the arrival of a customer. Except that this time it wasn't a customer, but Willa's girlfriend, Amy, carrying a brown bag which seemed to be from McDonald's. The eldest sister smiled at the sight of her beautiful girl and dropped everything she was doing to greet her with a kiss. As they got close to each other, the pendants hanging around their necks immediately connected. (Y/N) watched the whole scene unfold with a warm heart.

She's been obsessed with soulmates for her whole life. Her favourite story to listen to when she met new people was how they finally found their soulmates. The first story she had ever heard was her parents'. They were some of those rare couples that met their soulmate in their childhood, meaning that they grew up and grew old together. Her mom has always described the feeling of loving her father from such a young age as overwhelming, sometimes in the good way and some rare times in the bad way. Their conception of love changed along the way, but they got to build it together. (Y/N) had them as the biggest example of how soulmates can make everything work because their connection is too powerful.

Willa met hers at the age people normally meet their other half - in their teenage years. She was only sixteen when the pendant around her neck connected with someone else's in the middle of the dancefloor of junior prom. Now they've been together for ten years, with a wedding around the corner and a house being built. (Y/N) was just jealous of how incredibly lucky her sister was, and frustrated that she didn't get the same thing.

It's funny how the girl obsessed with soulmates was having a hard time on her journey of finding them. When every baby in the world is born, they are gifted with a necklace that one day is supposed to connect with your soulmates, like two magnets. But to this day, her gold necklace with an emerald pendant never found its other half, and she was so fucking tired of waiting. For God's sake, she was already in her mid-20s.

"You guys are awfully cute together." (Y/N) groaned. "I can't wait to cry at your wedding."

"I know, it's so close!" Amy giggled as she extended a burger and some chips to (Y/N). "And you'll look stunning in that bridesmaid dress."

"And you know, maybe you'll meet your soulmate to bring as a date," Willa smirked and Amy agreed excitedly. (Y/N) shook her head as her smile died.

"Nah, I don't think that's happening anytime soon. The universe keeps taking too long and it sure as hell won't rush in time for the wedding."

"You never know, (Y/N). Faith is funny."

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