vampire nest part 3

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As the boys were singing I look over and see a vampire girl right behind dean  and I shoot her straight  through  her heart  as I blow the smoke right off my gun and smirk at him "baby girl that was amazing  how did you learn to shoot like that huh " dean said with a surprised  look on his face  "well your father taught  me how to do that when we were kids so we could  protect him at all costs that way we won't lose him unlike yellow eyes he will pay for what he's done to everything to everyone we know yellow eyes will pay I will make sure that even if I die at the hands of the vampires this time no matter what I do I will fight for the Winchesters for our family for your father from my family as well I will die or better yet become a full a  vampire if I have to"
Dean Sam and Cas all look at Me as if I'm  crazy as I drink the blood Sam brought back for I will kill every  vampire  in this town  I say  in my head
As the weeks went on he looks and hunted for the vampires we found them one by one killed each and every one but they wouldn't give out where yellow eyes was hiding but we will find him and get our answers he's even after me a half vampire all because of vampire bit my mother who was pregnant with me but I will save Dean and Sam and Castiel at all costs even if I have to die with a stake through my heart I promised myself this every day

Dean Winchester x Kylie inuzukaWhere stories live. Discover now