What Is SHE Doing Here

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Cinder's POV

"What is she doing her." I whisper so only Kai can here me. He doesn't say anything but tightens his grip on me. I look around to find the entire room staring at her in disgust. Thank the stars for them. With Kai still holding onto my waist I walk towards the two of them. The entire room is silent and Derik looks really confused. When I reach them Pearl tries to say something but I hiss at her. She shuts up immediatly.

Derik's POV

The guy announced our presence and I look at Pearl to see that she is embaressed. I smile at the beautiful girl standing next to me but it quickly turns upside down when I turn to face the crowd. For some reason they are all glaring at her in disgust. I scan the crowd trying to find one smiling face but even Cinder and Kai are frowning. I straighten up as they walk over here.

When they get here I can get a better look at their faces. Kai's is disgust and anger. While Cinder's is a mix of so many emotions but a few that stand out are hatred, envy, hurt, and disgust. She looks between Pearl, me, and our entwined hands. She says in a threatning voice, "How. When. Where." I start to answer but Kai shoots me a look that tells me not to.
As Pearl explains how we met I look around the ballroom at people's faces trying to find out what happened that made them all hate Pearl. After she finishes Cinder turns to look at me worriedly. "What?" I ask.
"Are you okay?" I look down assessing myself.
"Yeah, why?"
"Because the only someone could ever love Pearl is if she brainwashed them."
What was that?!
I know it will continue but I've been kind of had writers block and thought I had kept you waiting long enough.
Next chapter will have Pearls point of view. By the way you have probably figured out that I don't write very long chapters.
Anyway I have 500 freaking reads! I started freaking out when I saw it.
Also my friend got me obsessed with some bands so I might mention them within the story


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