Sticky Note Hunt Preview/Spoilers

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(this is just the initial book cover

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(this is just the initial book cover. don't tease me abt it 😭)


WARNING: Contains spoiler! I will include the first few paragraphs of chapter one and a few snippets of the next chapters.

Mina VS. The Universe

Mina was tired of being the receiving end of their relationship. She wants to make Sana happy, too, just like she had made Mina happy. Sana has been the one to do every romantic thing ever, it’s almost embarrassed Mina. Heck, even before they got into a relationship (in their “courting” stage; gosh, remember that mess? Only lasted three days *snorts*) Sana had been spoiling Mina ever since.

Don’t get her wrong, she loves her girlfriend, loves it as much as her precious Nintendo Switch, maybe even a bit more than that, but with all the effort Sana had put in their relationship, Mina doesn’t know if she can match that. She doesn’t even know what to do at this point. It seemed like they’ve hit a dead-end in their relationship; always doing the same thing, having no spice whatsoever.

For once, Mina wished the universe would stop being a bully and let her organize a nice, warm date. Of course, the universe didn’t listen. Every time, Mina had tried to organize a date—arcade, café, a little book reading even though Sana was more interested in smacking the books together, the park, ice cream, movies, heck even the rage room—but the universe kept on insisting it be ruined. It’s kind of got to the point where Mina would often throw a punch in the ground, wanting to injure the universe at least just a bit, even if she was punching the earth.

Arcade dates would end with some douche hitting on Sana; café dates would end with a creepy entrepreneur hitting on Mina; library dates would end with both of them getting kicked out of the place after silencing a bratty kid; park and ice cream dates would end with a kid being a nasty little shit, throwing a ball at Mina (Sana had to hold Mina back from kicking the kid in the face); movie dates would end with a malfunction/the movie corrupted; rage room dates would end with a few people with anger issues picking a fight with Mina. So, that’s that.

At home, Sana would always try and cheer both of them up with cuddles—nothing can go wrong with cuddles. Eventually, the dates got ruined so often, they opted to stay at home, order from various fast food chains, cuddle, and just do a movie marathon. Of course, Mina wasn’t complaining, but at the same time, she was. Sana had managed to salvage their ruined dates while Mina kept on sulking about it.

It just wasn’t fair for Mina—Sana was too damn romantic, she can’t even compete with that. She loves how Sana could make a bad day great just by cuddling on the couch, but that just made Mina feel worse. What would that make of her? Grumpy, sulky, letting her emotions get the best of her. Maybe she wasn’t good enough of a girlfriend. Maybe the universe was being a dickhead. She may never know.


“Look what I found,” Mina announced. When Sana turned, Mina held up the paper heart. Sana gave out a soft gasp. “I’m actually quite impressed with this,” Mina said, as she threw the paper at Sana. “How’d you make it, anyway?”

Sana snorted. “The internet, a few amount of cursing, a dozen wasted papers, and badly cut scotch tape.”


“What are you reading?” Sana’s voice echoed in the empty library.

Mina closed the book. “Oh, uh, nothing. Just, um—” she turned to read the title and blushed “—um.”

Sana laughed gently. “You’re still not over the reproductive system, are you?”


“That’s the thing,” Mina whined. “I don’t know. It’s just—a lot of things are worrying me right now. I don’t even know if I’ve been a good girlfriend to her. I don’t know how to comfort her. I don’t know how to apologize to her because I don’t know what I did to piss her off like that.”

“She’s pretty upset you were zoning out, your eyebrows all scrunched up. If I know her, I’d say she’s bothered you aren’t telling her anything.”

Mina fell silent. Nayeon spoke again, “You should stop telling yourself you’re not enough. Sana—I know she did—spent days, weeks, months, years telling you you’re wonderful. How do you think she’d feel if she found out you were tearing yourself down while she was trying to fix you?”


She wasn't lost anymore. She knew what to do.



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