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Jake: *cry* Damn Y/n. ..  DAMN!!!!

Y/n: Hey! Don't shout! I'm right beside you!

Jake: *cry* Yesterday! I pull for the character. . . but on the wrong banner!!!

Y/n: I miss the part where that's my problem.

Jake: *cry* You don't understand Y/n! You don't even pull any character in the game! Like arknight! You have like 78 Billion Orundum! You only use a character you got for free!!

Y/n: So?

Suddenly Jake's face becomes serious making Y/n serious too. Jake takes his phone and shoves it at Y/n face.

Jake: *serious* Borrow me a billion Orundum. I will give you new gender bender hentai.

Y/n: *serious* No way I will do that. Not even 1 Orundum. And you can keep that hentai books.

Y/n slowly pushes Jake's hand on his face away. Jake turns around as his back facing Y/n. The sun in front of Jake makes his shadow overshadowed Y/n. Many people take the picture and some of them shout 'A Drama!'.

Jake: *serious* You leave me no choice Y/n-Kun.

Y/n: Since when have I had Kun in my name?

Jake: *serious* I forgot you are a homebody. You don't even know what Kun is. How shameless are you Y/n?

Y/n confused stare at Jake talking nonsense. Jake then began to explain what the meaning of Kun is.

Jake: Kun is generally used by people of senior status addressing or referring to those of junior status, or it can be used when referring to men in general, male children or male teenagers, or among male friends. ... For example, -Kun can be used to name a close personal friend or family member of any gender.

You can always hear people say Kun everywhere, especially in anime! So what's your answer Y/n?

Many males in the place agree with him. Y/n confusion rise slowly.

"Anime? What's that? Never heard of it. But since many people agree with him, I will just go along."

Jake: No where are we again? Ah yes, Y/n-Kun. It is time for you to be kind and share some of your Orundum with me. We men always help each other, unlike females, if they see other females do the same thing like she does, they start a war.

But we men always lend a hand to each other, we must prove to women we are more useful than them! Always remember Y/n-Kun. . . 'Sharing is caring'.

Many males shout agreement while women. . . the vein can be seen in their head as their glare dagger at Jake.

Y/n: I don't care. You know, it's 3 PM, I need to go home.

Y/n turned away and he walked from Jake. Jake sees this just smirking at him.

Jake: You don't turn your back on your family.

Y/n: We are not a family retard.

With that Y/n walked around leaving Jake to stare at Y/n.

Jake: F*ck, how do I want to get Mudrock?

(Timeskip Y/n house)

"Finally. . . 'sweet home sweet'. . . wait it's 'home sweet home' right? Nah it doesn't matter."

He reaches for his key and opens the door before entering it. He kicks his shoes and throws his bag away into the couch.

???: Kyah!

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