Safe Hands

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Strangely enough, even though his skull is trying to split itself in two with every pulsing heartbeat, Jungkook has never felt more content in his entire life.

Granted, it probably has a whole lot to do with the fact that he’s currently tucked up cosily between Taehyung and Jimin in the backseat of the vampires’ car, his aching head pillowed on Tae’s shoulder and their fingers snugly intertwined beneath the light jacket that Hoseok had draped over his upper torso to keep him warm. The car windows are heavily tinted (as is generally the preference for most nocturnal species), and the significantly dimmed lighting is so fucking amazing after the hours he’s spent enduring Euphoria’s cheery pastel decor. Jungkook wants to live in this car forever.

“His heartbeat’s settled down,” Jimin whispers to the left of him, a feather-light touch brushing aside a few strands of Jungkook’s fringe. “I think he’s finally drifted off.”

Well…to be fair, that’s almost the case. He may not be asleep just yet, but he definitely isn’t fully awake either. He’s kinda hovering somewhere between the two, a level of semi-consciousness where he’s still mostly aware of what’s happening whilst being weirdly disconnected from it all; like, he can still feel how much everything aches, and he’s so physically exhausted that it’s like having ten-kilo weights strapped to every inch of him, but he can acknowledge the existence of those sensations without them totally overwhelming him like they had done earlier. Physical contact is definitely helping with that – it’s probably his bunny hybrid genes coming into play again, that deep yearning for tactile comfort he’d usually have to sate by visiting Yugyeom’s pack or snuggling up with Moonbin on the couch back home. He doesn’t often get sick (again, thanks in part to his mixed genetics), but on the rare occasions that he is, he gets cuddly as fuck, and no amount of painkillers or junk-food can substitute for the sweet relief of being wrapped up tightly in the arms of someone he cares about.

Honestly, its’s the first time he’s felt that same level of comfort and security in the company people he barely knows. Aside from Binne and the Im-pack, he tends to be pretty guarded around other people, reluctant to burden anyone else with his own problems. But passing out in front of Tae and the others had officially broken the ice, so to speak, and there’s really no going back from that. They already know he’s not ‘fine’, so keeping up his earlier deception would’ve been a waste of precious energy.

Also he’d been in desperate need of a hug, and boy do these vampires deliver.

“He still looks so pale,” Tae remarks, his tone hushed but full of concern. The hand that isn’t intertwined with Jungkook’s carefully tugs up Hoseok’s jacket a little higher, blanketing Kookie further in its cosy warmth. “What if it’s something serious?”

“Namjoon-hyung can handle it,” Jimin reassures calmly. “But I don’t think he’s sick – at least he doesn’t smell sick. I think he’s just totally worn himself out,”

“I shouldn’t have asked him out on that date last night,” the younger vampire frets quietly, gloved fingers squeezing Jungkook’s. “He could’ve gone home and taken a nap before his nightshift if I hadn’t-”

“Hey.” There’s a soft rustle of fabric, and Jungkook feels something light brush against the side of his head (Jimin’s sleeve, maybe), presumably as the shifter reaches out to comfort Taehyung. “Don’t blame yourself, hon, none of this is your fault. You couldn’t have known about his crazy schedule – kid managed to hide his exhaustion from all of us with that cute smile of his. I imagine he’s been pushing himself to the limit for a while now.”

“You think so?”

“Mm,” Jimin hums quietly. “You said he takes business studies at SNU, right? Assuming that his classes run on a fixed schedule, he’s probably in school Monday through Friday. Then he works, what, roughly thirty-six hours between Friday night and Sunday evening? And presumably he’s juggling coursework and exam prep on top of all. Tae, the kid’s working seven days a week with no downtime and running on minimal sleep, it’s no wonder he’s dead on his feet.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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