Horror: A picture I drew during class on my school computer

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Yes, maybe we sweds are spoiled. Free books, free food, free school, free portable school computers, best friends with the teachers (they are very kind) and so on.

Well on to the real prupose of talk today, this picture. I actually drew this picture during english class on my computer ( the computer has touch screen so I drew it with my fingers on my piant that is a free painting program with unlimited canvas, compatible with GIMP wich is a free software similar to Photoshop). We were supposed to find scary or sickening urban legends and retell them to the class on another lesson and because I found ''Bride and seek'' pretty fast I decided to do an illustration of it. Reading the story of the missing bride made my stomach turn, urgh, all the different versions that I read was equally horrible even so I just drew with picture. I was bored and wanted to ridicule the feeling in my stomach I guess.

Feel free to criticise and like. Both positive and negative comments are welcome. (As long as the negative ones only is centered faults in my drawing and language) ^-^

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