7 famous anime guys: Eren, Naruto, Edward, Inuyasha, Natsu, Luffy and Conan.

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Okey some bakgrund information.

Why did I draw this?

I wanted to challenge myself doing a lot of different styles, I must say the challenge ended up pretty well.

Why just these?

Well they where the ones that came to my mind and since I have drawn SAO style a lot I neded to take a break.

What do you know about these characters?

Well most of them I know almost nothing about and I think I need to take one at a time so here we go. Warning for spoilers!

*Eren: He is the main character in "Attack of titans" and can turn into a titan himself. That is basically what I know about him since I've only watched the first episode cause I couldn't bear seeing them struggle. I'm not good with sad things. If I remember right he did not transform in the first episode right? Well I know he can transform anyway cause I've been reading doujins ^-^. On to the next one.

*Naruto: Watched the first three episodes and was quickly disappointed. Well I know that he has a fox sealed in him and because of it he doesn't have any friends and the villagers hate him. I have watched some random Naruto Shippuden episodes to, those where good but wheres no point watching in the middle you need to watch all of it to experience the story right? Okay next.

*Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist: I don't know much about him. Tried to watch the first episode but it stopped after three minutes so I just didn't want to watch any more anime after that. I will be trying again soon. Next.

*Inuyasha: Not much to say, have three books, seen the whole tv series... Well any way he is an half-demon that wants to use the shikon jewel to become a full demon becuase he where betrayed both by his beloved Kikiyo and the other humans. Well later he fell for Kagome anyway so that doesn't really matter. On to the next one.

*Natsu from Fairy Tail: Not even sure if I have ever seen whole first episode jet (If I have it was like... three years ago, I think. Well I know that he has the power over fire and that he's a part of the group called Fairy Tale.

*Luffy from One Piece: He's the main in One Piece who search for a treasure called One Piece that a famous pirate has hidden. On his journey he meets various of people who he make join his crew and other who help them out then the Marins try to catch them. Actually seen about fifty episodes (I know it's now much comparing to the whole, but still I'm pretty proud to have made it this far. Last one.

*Conan from Detective Conan: This was together with Inuyasha one of my first watched amines. After watching all of the episodes that where then currently out I started reading the manga instead. Conan is actually a high school detective called Shinchi Kudo that turned into a child after being forced to take a drug by the men in black. He ends up living with his crush and childhood friend Ran Mouri and users her father that is a detective to solve cases.

That was all, thanks for reading!

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