Chapter 19.

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Dream sat down on the floor. King Eret and his army were going to raid the castle and assassinate king Wilbur today if he understood everything George had just told him correctly. How George and the others got through the security, Dream had no idea of.

Dream closed his eyes and exhaled as he felt shivers crawling up his spine. It was cold, and lonely. Everywhere were noises of people screaming and praying for help, praying help would come. Dream stroked with his hand over the sand in his cell. He drew a smiley.

Suddenly there came a loud bang from the entrance of the prison.

Maybe it was George again, with force to free him. Dream stood up and pulled himself closer to the bars to see what was happening, just like everyone else. One fairy in the cell across Dream started crying as she saw it. Dream saw the shadow. He felt a dark presence.

He looked at the floor as he realized it wasn't George, and his heartbeat started getting uncontrollably fast as he realized the footstep he heard were getting closer and closer. The shadow was growing.

It was king Wilbur. His brown coat hanging, waving like there was wind flowing against it. His wings were more glowing than ever, his eyes already yellow from anger, and possibly fear. 'I heard that the little prince of Kinoko Kingdom visited you today. Here. Whilst you are in this god-awful cell. I'm assuming he found you?' he started. Dream could feel his wings glowing just by thinking about George.

Wilbur knew George had found Dream. 'You know, I encourage love in all forms. But you knew this could never happen. Dream, this George guy, or your little prince, he's insanely selfish. Trying to rescue you instead of helping his father fight against me'

'You don't know George like I do' Dream became very defensive and let go of the prison bars. He stepped back.

'I don't want to know him, Dream. I just think that he's a selfish, arrogant, prick' he started laughing.

Dream was starting to get angry. 'And, to be completely honest, I don't think I need you alive anymore'

'Why not?'

'You have played your part. George found you, will try to rescue you again, but when he does- you won't be here and we- I will take his wings'

'What? How is that fair? He didn't do anything'

'He trespassed, he trespassed, sent his dad out to kill me, fell in love with one of my subjects, and oh, yes. He trespassed!' Wilbur shouted as his foot stomped on the ground. It felt like an earthquake. His eyes were even more yellow. He moved his hand a little and the bars opened. 'No, no king Wilbur think about this' Dream said.

Dream looked at the ground out of fear. He had no idea as to what was about to happen. They were going to chop off his head, or wings, maybe even both. King Wilbur looked at him. He scoffed at Dream.

'Your wings were so beautiful and elegant' he whispered. 'What is going to happen now?' Dream asked. He sounded defeated. His wings turned dark grey.

Wilbur clapped and the doors opened. A heatwave suddenly struck them. 'He'll take care of you' king Wilbur said. 'Are my wings going to be cut off?'

'Oh, it's a fate worse than dying, my dear' Wilbur said with a chuckle. Out of the corner of Dream's eye, he saw a bright form. A fairy form with glowing wings. As if they were on fire. It was Sapnap, who had learned to control his wings and power better. 'He will burn your wings, and you' he whispered. He then laughed and left the room.

'Sapnap, please let me go- I can help you'

It was completely silent. The only noise they heard was the fire in Sapnap's wings. No crying, no screaming, just the fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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