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LISA and Lia went together to the cafeteria when Lia saw Lisa heading towards the cafeteria so she walked with her and throughout their way they are talking.

"I'm glad you're okay now, Lisa."

"I'm trying."

"You will get there."

Lisa smiled, "thank you."

"No need."

"And I appreciate of you for not telling anyone."

"It's not my story to tell and I respect you, Lisa."

"Thank you."

And Lia smiled then she look to her side and widened her eyes, "oh my God, Lisa!"

"What is it?" and she follow her gaze and her eyes widened, "Rosé-unnie..." and she ran towards them like a lightning speed.

Lia followed Lisa, afraid for her that she will get hurt. She just saw that Jong-In bullied Rosé.

"ROSÉ-UNNIE!!!" and Lisa quickly helped Rosé, "Rosé-unnie," and her jaw tightened when she saw some blood on her lips.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Jong-In?!" Lia exclaimed.

"Don't get on our way, Lia!"

The next thing Jong-In knew he receive a hard hit on his jaw and followed by another one.

Because of this commotion, some of the students circled them, including Jennie who is stunned of what she saw, Lisa punching Jong-In, but as his girlfriend she approached him. She saw Lia was stopping a furious Lisa.

"Please don't tell me you're on her side Jennie," Lia said.

Jennie couldn't answer.

"You know now why I don't want you with Lisa, she's a freak," Jong-In said.

Jennie shook her head, "she is not, okay? What is happening?"

"I will tell you, Jennie," Lia said, "that psycho boyfriend of yours bullied Rosé here."

"What?" and she glared at Jong-In.

"And don't you fucking deny it, you fucking psycho, you're the only one who always bullied Rosé here, you just don't want anybody to see it and pretended that you're right even if you aren't, you're playing victim."

"Shut up, Lia!"

"Now you tell me to shut up! I have a card on my sleeve, Jong-In," and she smirk, "you don't want Jennie know it, right?"

"Stop it, Lia," Lisa said, "help me take Rosé-unnie."


"Fuck!" Lisa cursed.

Jisoo pushed everyone that was on her way and her eyes widened and she quickly approach Rosé, "chipmunk?" and her jaw tightened, her whole body went cold when she saw a bruise and a blood on its lips, "who did this to you?" her eyes are watering, she is flaring with anger while looking at Rosé's bruised lips.

Lisa gulped, "unnie, please, I already warned Jong-In," Lisa said, "let's just take Rosé-unnie to the clinic before it got infected."

Jisoo's jaw is tightened while glaring at Jong-In and she stood but Lisa stopped her, "what the fuck?"

"Unnie calm down..."


"Chipmunk..." and quickly went to her side.

"Lisa-ssi already beat him, don't worry now..."

"I will not know if it wasn't from Lia," Lisa explained, "it was her that saw them."

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