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THE gymnasium of Seoul University is all packed, many spectators came, aside from the students from Seoul University, mostly are a fan of basketball and a fan of Moon Byul-yi.

If you really look at it carefully, mostly are wearing blue, Moon’s team and some are red and some are wearing neutral colour.

Even the camera from all over Seoul and some are from New York just to get some live coverage and all of them are set.

Moon’s team are all quiet inside their assigned locker area even though they hear the fans screaming and cheering from inside the gym.

“I hate to break this Captain,” one of the team said to Moon, “but, why are we all so quiet? Yes, I know, we’re waiting for Manoban but being quiet like this is like we didn’t trust her at all.”

5mins left and there’s still no sign of Lisa.

All of them are already wearing their jersey uniform and their friends and families are blue and Solar is wearing Moon’s jersey number 22.

Moon looked up because her teammate is quite right and she sighed, “you’re right, I’m just worried, I apologize.”

“No, that’s okay, I really understand, it’s just—being quiet is really make me nervous, we don’t have to because Manoban will come, I’m sure of that.”

Moon took a deep breath and nodded, “okay, he’s right, we don’t need to be quiet.”

“Uhm—we’re not quiet, we’re relaxing,” Jisoo said, looking at Moon while she’s lying on Rosé’s lap and Rosé is playing her hair.

“You’re just lucky because your Rosé is here,” Jennie huffed.

“Aww Jennie-unnie is grumpy because Lisa-hyung will be late,” Jimin said, teasing Jennie.

Jennie shot Jimin a deathly glare.
Jimin on the other hand quickly hide behind his mother.

“Aigoo these kids,” Lance said, while looking at the team, “I’m glad you’re all relax.”

“We have to, Uncle Lance,” Rosé said.

“Good, that’s good,” and he felt a tap on his arm and he looked at to his wife, “what is it?”

“Any news of Josh and Lisa?”

Lance shook his head, “trust them and knowing Josh, there’s no way he will miss the chance of seeing his elder daughter play again,” and he look at to Jisoo all smiling while closing her eyes.

“Okay, it’s just I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be, let’s trust her.”


Unknown to them, Jennie is worried too, she had faith that Lisa will come but there’s something else that she just can’t ignore.

“It’s time,” Moon said then she stood.

All of the team stood and gather around.

Their supporter let them gather and mumbled a prayer and a cheer.

“We just have to stick on our game plan, trust each other, don’t hesitate when you had chance, okay?”



And they cheer.

Then they left their respective locker.

Jennie was left, she stared at Lisa’s supposed to be locker, Moon left the jersey uniform inside of it. She took the note she wrote earlier and she kissed it leaving a red lipstick mark then put it atop on the uniform then she shut the locker door and locked it.

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