Chapter 5 - Run, if you can.

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When she got to the First Borderline, the warriors had found it a little strange.

Why would the Alpha send the Zeta here if they were meant to sign a deal to put an end to the bloodshed? Yet they had seen the stamped pass and they couldn't question any further. Besides, she was the Zeta, the war general, fourth in the rank of power. Too much questioning was a challenge to her authority.

While Zezi settled into the tent that they had built for her, different thoughts kept running across her mind.

Maybe she had been wrong. Maybe he didn't know they were mates. Something about the way he looked at her made her feel like he hadn't known, like he had mistaken it to be some passing feeling.

Yet a part of her told her that was just wishful thinking and she very well knew it.

Or maybe he did know, and he decided he didn't want her, an enemy, just as she had decided that she didn't want him.

Something told her that was impossible but she prayed with all her heart for it to be that. She dreaded vampires and the thought of being mated to one drove a dagger right through her heart.

A message soon came for her, that there was a message for her at the headquarters. She left the tent after a while; something about everything felt uneasy, and what she heard when she was about to enter the headquarter's tent proved it.

"He wants her sent back with immediate effect." An agitated voice said.

"Did he say why?" Another asked.

"Not really, but from some things he said, I think it has something to do with the Vampire King. I can't really tell what it is,” the first one said.

Zezi's eyes flew open and her heart raced.

So, he knew. But of course, he did. It was a mate bond after all.

"She is going to resist, you know that?" Another who hadn't spoken before said.
"She is our Zeta, she will easily overpower us."

"And that is why I told you to get the silver bullet guns."

Silver bullet guns?! What was this?!

"Are you a fool? Not a scratch, the Alpha said."

"What do you presume we do then?"

Zezi didn't wait for whatever it was they had to say. She retraced her steps and slowly disappeared into the night. She couldn't stay here, it wasn't safe here anymore. She ran into her tent, grabbed her bags that she never unpacked in the first place, and fled. She didn't even know where she was going but she knew she couldn't stay. The pack was about to just hand her over to the King. The Alpha must have wrapped a favourable deal around finding her.

She chuckled humourlessly at that thought while she ran across the forest at wolf speed. She couldn't even blame him if he did. It was just her, a pack member, against the whole pack. She tried to imagine what George would be doing. Was he angry? Devastated? Or was he confused? What about her daughter? She was certain that no one would tell her what was going on.

Tears rushed down her face. She didn't even know what she was doing or how far she could even run. Where was she even running to? She didn't know anything but there was one thing she knew.

She was running away, far away. It wasn't safe here, it wasn't safe anywhere.


"There must be some mistake, she is my mate." George finally let out when he got into the Alpha's office. It was dimly lit and smelt of inks and documents. It was quite stuffy for a large office.

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