Chapter Thirty Nine - Joshua

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"Sam" I screamed as he placed his finger in the bolt croppers, "fuck you've got some mother fucking balls Sam, I like that" Jasper said laughing "you know what I like you that much lets call us even, keep your finger, but seriously, don't try and fuck me over, 50 percent means 50 percent Sam, and don't try and run"

He gestured to the other guys who released josh and walked to the door, "Co-operate and we'll get on just fine" Jasper said finally leaving the room, his entourage of goons following him as Sam came over hugging me close

"you shouldn't have took my place" I said cross with him, "hey we're ok though" he smiled and while he was right I still didn't want him to suffer for me.

I kissed his lips as the car started and they drove off back down the lane, I got up to look outside and they were certainly gone.

"what the fuck do we do now, you think they're seriously watching?" I asked walking back inside

"I don't know Josh, they cant be watching everywhere right?, what if we 'explore' for supplies further and see if they follow"

"you think they're watching now?" I said

"how can they realistically guard such a large area, its bullshit" Sam got up throwing a chair to the side, "fucking took half out tins too" he sulked into the kitchen putting what we had left back into the cupboards.

"poison" Sam said looking at a tin of chopped tomatoes, "poison the bastards"

"Sam we will figure it out"

"I'm not going back to that fucking warehouse"

"Maybe we wont have to" I offered knowing it wasn't true, I walked over to hug him embracing him in my arms as he nuzzled into my neck

"I'm sorry Josh, just... everyone is out for themselves, why does everything have to lead to violence"

Sam let out a sigh, "we're going to have to go back to the warehouse aren't we"

"I liked the poison idea better" I said sinisterly

"yeah but its kill them all or they'll come back, who knows how many of them there is"

"we escaped the warehouse once, and we didn't know what was there, we can do it again"

"Josh I love you but your fucking crazy, we'll do it another day if we have to, I want to see if we can escape first don't you?"

"wont there just be some other gang?"

"maybe" Sam sounded defeated "I just don't know what to do"

I kissed him on the lips "Sam, we have a week, we don't need to decide today"

Sam smiled, rubbing his paw on my cheek, "come on lets check the traps, were about due some luck right?"

We walked back to the clearing in the woods to check the traps speeding up the closer we got the anticipation of not knowing if we had dinner or not was a little too much to bear but I was thankfully relived to hear Sam shouting me over when he spied the first trap

"a squirrel" he beamed untying its leg and cutting its throat right there and then "look Josh, a rabbit" he said just as I was wondering how Sam was able to kill the meat so calmly.

"I need to kill it" I said looking at Sam's knife, "Ok sure, just its like a quick action so the rabbit wont suffer ok"

It was weird I could kill the zombies and I had no qualms about killing jasper and his friends, I was even starting to plan it, but a defenseless bunny was making it difficult.

We needed to eat though.

I killed the rabbit as Sam showed me, I felt sad but this was just survival, I'd eaten countless chickens, pigs, and cows throughout my life where someone had killed it for me, actually doing it myself might make me appreciate the meat a little more.

"hey you can skin it too if you want" Sam said starting it off for me, now the rabbit without its fur just looked like a piece of meat from the shop and I wasn't as sentimental about it as much tying its legs to a stick to carry back I was excited and couldn't wait to eat it.

As we walked back Sam grabbed my hand, his fingers intertwined with mine, "funny isn't it" Sam started, "pre zombies people would have wanted to kick out heads in for holding hands, now they want to kill us for tins of peaches"

"we can hold hands in peace though" I smiled back at him, it was something I'd never dare do with a guy before for that fear of harassment, for those judging looks, but here in the woods it was just me and Sam.

We walked along in silence as I contemplated how we would get back to the warehouse, Sam was equally deep in thought, but I wasn't sure where his mind was, "no matter what we decide to do we need a car" I finally said, my mind arguing internally about either driving to the warehouse or escaping far away from here by car.

Either way we needed a car.

"I know, I was just thinking the same, the van is knackered down the road, but there were a few houses we passed, you know those big posh ones"

"yeah with the massive garages"

"exactly, they would have had more than one car, so we should find one hopefully"

"shall we do it tonight" I encouraged him

"as long as we get there before dark, I came back to the farm in the dark, it was scary Josh"

I remembered back to the zombie I'd seen in the field before I found Sam again, imagining the chaos in the night if a group of zombies did find us.

"right, we can always camp in the garage then worst, case, best case we come home with a car" I said

"exactly" Sam nodded

We arrived home and hung the rabbit and squirrel above the kitchen sink "tonight's meal, hopefully, and we should take a tin just incase we get stuck outside" Sam grabbed a tin of beans and some water stuffing it into a bag.

I glanced at the clock in the kitchen as it was 3pm, that should be plenty of time to get back before dark even if we didn't find anything.

"we've got plenty of time to get back even if we don't find anything, I'd rather stay here"

"yeah me too, its just in case" Sam said urging me out the door

"yeah come on then lets get moving"

We walked down the track back towards the houses we had seen, both of us scanning for zombies, the lane merged back onto the main road and we walked along to the sounds of nature, the wind gently blowing the bare branches in the trees, and occasionally a piece of litter would fly across the road, a flyer, a McDonalds wrapper or a crisp packet.

We had ruined this world long before the zombies, maybe this was just nature taking it back.

Sam held his arm in front of me and placed a finger to his lips "zombies" he whispered edging forward raising his crossbow.

I could hear or see what he was looking at but followed closely near him, silently placing our feet on the road to remain as quiet as possible.

A car up ahead with the doors open, one which wasn't there previously was the source of the noise, two zombies wandered around the car and the scattered belongings but what caught my eye more so as I raised the bow to take the zombie down was what was painted onto the car in big red letters contrasting brightly against the white paintwork 'no-one leaves the colony'

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