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Ya'll I just realized this book reached 2k reads now!!! I mean sure, it's just a oneshot book and not an actual story, BUT IT'S STILL SOMETHING!!!😭😭

Thank you all so much for support.

I made this edit by the way.😂

The moment I saw how many reads it has, I took screenshots, immediately opened capcut and went like "Fine~ I guess this is something worth making an edit that takes about 7-8 hours of my time.🙄"

I have this posted on youtube, the account name is; Well, the same as my username here and on AO3.😅

Seriously, you guys don't understand how happy I am.😔

Really thank you so so soooo much. Especially to those who just binged, commented, and voted every oneshot on this book. I don't think I need to say names, ya'll know who you are.😘

Love ya'll, once again thanks for all the support.


Zion X Eugene Oneshots(Requests Temporarily Closed)Where stories live. Discover now