Chapter 16

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The first thing Sakura noticed when she woke up was the horrible pain in the side of her head. Immediately after, she realized that she was laying on something hard and cold. As she opened her eyes, she noticed that she was in some kind of concrete building with her hands tied together, and that she wasn't alone.

About five feet from her was a door—she could hear two men talking on the other side of it. Sakura shivered, it was cold and she had no source of heat. She tried to use her chakra to warm her blood and increase body temperature in such a situation as this.

"No!" she whispered to herself. Her chakra was being blocked by something. That's when she noticed the sharp pain in her side. She shifted again, feeling a soreness in her side. She assumed it was from some sort of injection.

Great. How was she supposed to escape these men without any chakra? Who were these men and why had they abducted her? She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of footsteps drawing closer to her. She looked up and came face to face with the guy that had led her to her ambush under the pretenses that Kakashi was badly injured.

Sakura went into a small panic all over again, Kakashi! He had been injured. Was he okay? Where was he? She scowled at him. "Who are you and where is Kakashi?" she demanded.

The man laughed at her, "My name is Yohiro Motoki and Kakashi should be on his way to save you soon," he answered.

"If that were true, then you would be a fool to find it funny," she snapped back at him.

"I look forward to it," he said simply. The tone in his voice and the look on his face gave Sakura a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. Never in her life had she seen someone take a threat from Kakashi Hatake so lightly.

"How would he even know that I'm gone?" she asked. She wanted to get as much information out of her abductors as she could.

"Because I have someone waiting to tell him about your abduction. They are on their way to give him his invitation as we speak. They are to bring him here to me."

"Why do you want Kakashi?"

"Because he massacred my clan in cold blood. I've spent years waiting to repay him." The man's smug expression changed into one of utter disgust and hate.

These men wanted to hurt Kakashi, probably even kill him. Sakura had to do something, anything to keep them from luring Kakashi to his death. She laughed in the man's face. "Too bad for you that won't work. Kakashi won't come here for me," she told him. She knew it was a lie; Kakashi would always give his life for someone else, no matter who it was.

Then the man's smug look returned, "I don't think that's true. I'm certain that he would give just about anything for you!"

"What makes you so sure?" she asked.

"Because he is in love with you!" the man explained. "We have been watching him for weeks. We have been watching both of you. We know all about the little game the two of you have been playing." He paused and simply stared at Sakura for a long moment, maybe trying to gage her reaction.

"He'll come for you!" he reassured her before she felt the sting of a needle in her side. Her mind instantly went cloudy and her limbs grew incredibly heavy.

Kakashi had just left the bar and was now making his way home alone. He wished Sakura was with him; he ached for her. He sighed. Maybe he should try going to her house? But he had told her that if she didn't show up then he would respect her decision. Home it is, then.

"Kakashi Hatake," a man called from the shadows.

Kakashi instantly took a defensive position. How did he not notice someone so close by? The man emerged from the shadows and made his way closer to Kakashi. Kakashi braced himself for a fight; he didn't like the feeling that he was getting from this man.

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