Something Old And Something New

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Ink slowly awoke the next day, looking up he saw Error humming happily as he scrolled though his phone. Once he realized that Ink was awake he smiled giving him a small kiss on the forehead.
"Morning Kiki~"
"Good morning Ru~"
Sharing another kiss, Ink sat up
"We should probably go downstairs"
"I mean we don't have to, we could just stay up here~"
Ink giggled, feeling Error sit up and then wrap his arms around him.
"I know you want me to, but I think you've had me to yourself long enough~"
"Aw man..."
"Pffhaha, what? You can't have me all the time"
"I know...I'm just happy to see you relaxed...being able to sleep for once...not being so stressed... It's really nice..."
"I know, and I love it to..."
"I'm glad...and you're right, we have to get up and start doing things other than each other~"
Error snickered and Ink blushed, starting to get up.
"F-Funny Ru, very funny"
"I try"
Error snarkily added, making Ink roll his eyes as he got dressed. Once done he went over to the two doors that led to the balcony. Opening them he walked outside, leaning on the railing and looking at the flowers. Error then got up and walked over to Ink, again wrapping arms around Ink's waist and resting his head on top of Ink's.
"I like that you picked this room Ink, you made it really nice for us."
"Aw thank you"
"Don't mention it, now you ready to go downstairs?"
"Ya I'm ready"
"Good, then let's go"
Letting go of Ink's waist, Error took a hold of one of Ink's hands and brought him downstairs. Walking into the kitchen, the two heard talking and thought that everything was normal...until it wasn't... They both froze, a smaller skeleton a bit taller than Ink and maybe the same size as Dream was standing in the kitchen adorning a blue bandanna, boots, and gloves. They didn't know what to do, start freaking out? Go back to their room and pretend they didn't see anything? They didn't know. Nightmare noticing the two walk in went over to them.
"I can see you two are rather confused..."
"To say the least..."
Ink said still in utter disbelief
"Um ya...what is he doing out here? And why is he so...not freaking out?.."
Error questioned, while trying to regain his composure. Nightmare chuckled before smiling.
"It's not what you think... He isn't what he was anymore... He knows who he is...but remembers what he did... He feels bad, he had no control over himself and we knew that... But we couldn't change his opinion on what happened... So for the sake of keeping the piece don't go off on him-"
"Wait you thought I would do that?"
Ink asked, with a brow furrowed
"Well you"
"I was confused, that's it... But now I'm happy to see him..."
"Then why don't you sound like it?.."
Ink didn't know how to answer that, so he just decided to be honest.
"When you told me about Blue, I thought you would say something about Dream... I mean ya he is doing better, but if Blue is back then-"
"Dream was already to far gone from the control for the creators absence to mean anything... He will still need time to remember... And I do feel semi responsible for that...I feel like I should've let him do what he wanted instead of push him to keep remembering..."
"He wanted to remember Nightmare... You helped him...we had no clue that remembering things could actually hurt him when this was all over... So ya it'll take some more time but you did nothing wrong. All you did was help..."
"Thanks Ink..."
Nightmare still sounded like he felt bad, and he probably did. But for now he didn't focus on that.
"How about you come and see him, he's wanted to talk to you since you've woken up."
"Wait was that what Cross wanted to tell me!?"
"Yes actua-"
"You should've said something, I-"
"He understood that you wanted time alone with Error, even though he wasn't happy that it was Error... He couldn't be mad at you."
"Mrr... I guess I can't be mad at you guys then... But anyways ya I would love to go talk to him!"
Ink turned to Error and grabbed his hand
"And he would to!"
"Wait I'd what?-"
Ink tugged Error away before he could finish, making Nightmare laugh a little. Ink walked him and Error over to Blue.
"Hey! Blue!"
Blue looked away from Dream for a moment and smiled.
Blue was pulled into a hug before he could finish talking.
"I'm so happy you're-"
Ink got pushed off by Blue. Ink was confused.
"Why did-"
"Why would you want to be around me? After what I did to you?"
"What? That wasn't you"
"Still...I let them get close to Dream... Because I was upset for stupid reasons..."
"I'm really happy you're ok...and I'm so sorry that I did what I did..."
"It's ok Blue..."
Ink went to give Blue another hug, and this time Blue let him.
"I'm not mad at you, ok?"
After a couple of seconds of hugging the two let go of each other. That's when Blue noticed Error, he crossed his arms and grumbled.
"I still don't like you"
Ink laughed and Dream elbowed Blue in the gut before glaring at him.
"Ow!- Um but if y-you like him then I'm ok with it..."
Ink slowly stopped laughing, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"Hu... Well that was funny... But Dream, if Blue doesn't support me and Error being together yet then he doesn't have to. You didn't have to make him say that..."
"What gave you the idea that I did?"
Ink looked over at Blue, who was holding an arm over his soar gut.
"Nothing...oh nothing..."
Dream realizing only now how obvious it was
"I'm sorry... I just wanted everything to be ok now..."
"It's ok Dream, you don't need to rush-"
Blue groaned out, still in a little bit of pain
"I may not be happy that you picked...that"
Ink giggled lightly as Blue continued
"But I want you to be happy...and if he makes you happy then I am happy..."
Ink skeptically raised an eyebrow, making Blue nervously chuckle.
"As happy as I can be of course...hehe..."
"Thanks Blue"
Ink felt a small tap on his shoulder, so quickly he turned around to see the murder trio?
"Oh hey guys, what's going-"
"So Cross told you that him and boss are fucking like rabbits right?"
Horror blurted out jokingly, even surprising the two monsters next to him as they giggled. Ink sputtered.
"W-Well Um no, not exactly- Wait no! Not at all!"
"Oh come on! It's so obvious that it's starting to hurt!"
Killer screamed, making Dream laugh
"Why are you three so interested?"
"We're jus annoyed is all"
Dust calmly responded
"So you guys want to hear them say that they're at least dating?"
"At the very least"
Horror said through clenched teeth
"It's just fucking weird at this point"
"Pfft- Ok? Have you tried asking nicely~"
Ink teased making Killer grumble.
"You think they'd answer?"
"Ya Cross probably-"
"Fine, I'll ask"
Horror turned towards Nightmare and Cross, they were just talking in the kitchen as Cross made something for breakfast. Ink already knowing that this'll probably go wrong tried to say something real quick.
"Can you two just tell everyone that you're fucking already!?"
The room went quiet, Cross and Nightmare only staring at Horror. Horror realizing he made a mistake gulped.
"I don't think you should've asked that way..."
Dream some how managed to say.
Horror got his ass beat and was now tightly being held upside down by one of Nightmare's tentacles.
"Now for future reference, do not ask anything like Horror just did or you will end up like he is now. Got it?"
Nightmare asked only receiving some nods for answers.
" for this next part... Um...I don't think I'll do that well... But Cross would, so if you could..."
Nightmare looked over at Cross, and with a sigh Cross stepped forward.
" for one, like Nightmare just said don't ask that to anyone. Or else yes you'll probably get the shit kicked out of you. And for two...though we weren't asked the way we would've preferred...yes we are seeing each other... We just wanted to wait until all of this chaos was over to say anything... So there you go, I don't know why three monsters that shall not be named were so interested, but I hope you're all happy to know now."
"We are, we were just annoyed is all"
Horror got punched in the face again by Cross, before being dropped to the ground by Nightmare.

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