Something Odd

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Ink was getting better fast, despite not having his brush his paint body was able to heal quickly and with in a day or two he could stand and walk again. Error was still buzzing around like a concerned fly to make extra sure that Ink was ok. But after Ink continuously saying he was ok Error started to leave him alone. Ink was happy that Error wasn't just worrying about him, but was also happy to have some alone time because he had to talk to someone...alone. So he walked up to a door and he knocked on it. Eventually Nightmare opened it, surprised to see Ink there and alone.
"What Ink?"
"I need to talk to you..."
Nightmare sighed
"I thought so...come in"
Ink walked into the office Nightmare closing the door behind him.
"Sit, you're odvisely going to be staying for a little while."
"Listen to me Ink"
Ink didn't argue after that and sat down in one of the two comfy chairs across from Nightmare's desk. Nightmare sat on the desk facing Ink.
"I don't mean to be so pushy. It's just after everything that's happened your body needs time to heal."
"I'm fine"
"Even if you were it wouldn't excuse the earful I would get from Error."
"Ya he's been worried lately..."
"I understand that as much as I can but I still find it quiet odd."
"It's new...I get it..."
Nightmare could feel Ink's negative energy so he tryed to get to the point.
"Anyways you seem...I wouldn't say upset but...I don't know what else I would call it."
"Well there is something that has been bothering me."
"Ok, what is it?"
"The visions, I had a really weird one after I passed out a few days ago and it really-"
"Wait you had a vision?"
"Ya another weird one with Blue and Dream, and some guy I don't know."
"What did they say?"
"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."
"You're the only that can even make me have those visions."
"Ink I actually don't-"
"And even if you weren't you would have seen it some-"
"Ink have no clue what you're talking about!"
Nightmare had to slame his hands on the desk and scream just to get Ink's attention. Ink stopped and looked at Nightmare, scared and confused.
"Wait you don't-"
"I don't know what the hell you are talking about."
"I don't know..."
Nightmare put his head in his hands and leaned on his knees. Ink was also a little shaken.
"S-So was it just a weird nightmare?"
"No, like you said I still would've seen it..."
"Oh...ya I did say that..."
It went quite for a moment. They were both scared, one trying his best not to show it and the other not even caring that he was.
"Look Ink...I know that this happened a few days ago and your memory was fuzzy. But I need you to try and tell me what happened. What did Blue, Dream, and that other guy say?"
"I...don't really remember. But it was about something weird...I think."
"Ok...were they acting weird then?"
"A bit...Dream seemed really anxious and worried. Blue wasn't as freaked out but still he seemed off..."
"What about our Mr.Stranger?"
"I wouldn't call them that..."
"Why? You know him?"
"No I wouldn't say that either"
"Ok then what is he to you? Someone you know?"
"No they just seem familiar..."
"I'm sorry...I don't know"
"...It's fine but would you say that your familiar... Is like me and Dream's kind of familiar."
"What is yours and Dream's kind of familiar?"
"Well I guess you can say you knew them but now you don't really know them."
"Like you and Dream..."
"Then ya like that...I feel like I've some how seen or heard them before but not long enough for me to remember it...or something..."
"But they could know you?.."
"Maybe... Do you know if they could?"
"They probably do"
"But nothing, ok?"
Ink was a little nervous but tryed to relax
"But what do they want with me?"
"I don't know, and don't try and ask"
"You seem nervous"
"A little..."
"Don't be, or atleast try your best not to be"
"Ok, been trying..."
"Anything else about you're vision?"
"Nothing important I can remember"
"Ok...anything else in general?"
"I don't know...nothing important"
Nightmare just groaned and stood up and started walking around his desk.
"Just say anything at this point, you're here and you mine as well."
"We're already a little on edge..."
"Exactly, so running your mouth will probably help."
Nightmare sat down at his desk
"Erm...well...I have some questions- Oh and some sketches for-"
"Who the hell gave you a pencil?"
"I found it?.."
Nightmare raised and eyebrow
"I borrowed it..."
Still nothing
"I took it? . ."
"That sounds about right, so what is it?"
"Oh ya um..."
Ink realised that Nightmare was already done with him. But he still kept talking.
"So um...I've been upstairs in my room and I've seen other-"
"The other rooms?"
"Ya I saw those so I wanted to ask-"
"Why everyone doesn't just use those?"
"I guess"
"Your room is one of maybe two up there that won't cave in when you walk in it, sorry that we aren't in the land of the fucking privileged."
"But aren't you like a king or-"
"Hahaha what bullshit was Dream telling you?"
"Apparently a lot... But can't you just...I don't know, get money?.."
"You know how stupid you sound right?"
"A bit"
Nightmare just grumbled
"Ok let's say for instance we could get money. Maybe we steal it, can't use that anywhere. Then maybe we just scare it out someone, same problem. Or try and get my band of bat shit misfits to actually get jobs. Hell everyone wants a fucking cannibal around, or a bunch of crazy murderers."
"Ok I get it..."
"Good, so what's your magic proposal"
"I- Uh..."
Ink thought and had an idea, it made him happy so his eyes and expression reflected that.
"I have my magic! I can draw up a whole new everything!"
"Ha and you think I'd let you?"
"Honestly no"
"Good thinking then"
Nightmare chuckled and looked back at Ink. He had a little note book out with a pencil that mine aswell have been led stuck to an eraser. Nightmare looked at him and rolled his eyes sticking out his arm.
"Give it to me"
"You heard me, hand it over"
Ink handed Nightmare the notebook and he started flipping through it.
"When did you find time to do this?"
"I had a few days after the incident..."
"Fair point"
Nightmare stopped flipping through it.
"Ya really want to do all that?"
"Well I am kinda just stuck here forever, so mine aswell make my prison less prison like."
Ink smiled warmly and Nightmare just laughed, and he thought.
"...Ok after you do your other projects then I'll have someone watch you when you do this."
"Oh Error can just-"
"Anything else when we're at it?"
"Well I just want to know...why are you letting me do all of this?"
"Many reasons it's had to be done for a while, it's practical, and it will distract you."
"From what?.."
Nightmare handed Ink his notebook back
"Is that it?"
"Erm I guess"
"Then if I were you I would go. Error's probably freaking out if he isn't rebooting."
"Oh ya fair point"
Ink stood up and went to the door
"Be careful, ok?"
Ink turned and looked at Nightmare
"I think I've been doing that...but I will..."
Was the last thing Ink said before leaving. Ink started walking then saw Error and went over to him.
"Hi Ru~"
He wrapped is arms around Error's waist leaning on Error's back. The taller one chuckled looking behind himself at Ink.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing, you?"
"I was looking for you"
Error turned his body towards Ink and Ink smiled.
"Ya...and I was going to my room"
"Well that makes sense"
"A little, and you know what else makes sense?"
"You eating something other than chips."
"Aw but I-"
Ink grumbled and Error roled his eyes
"So you know I'm right?"
"A little..."
"Good now"
Error gave Ink a little kiss and said
"Please go eat something"
"Fine...see ya later..."
"Bye Squid"
Ink waved and Error did the same walking to his room. Ink went to the kitchen and begurdingly made something to eat. He then sat down and started drawing in his book.
"Atleast I have something to do know"
Ink hummed to himself as he ate and continued to draw. He then felt himself start to get tired which was odd but he didn't think much of it. His body was better but he wasn't getting good sleep. Still he tryed to keep himself awake and failed. His eyes closed and he fell asleep leaning on his hand. But he woke up rather quickly, rubbing his eyes snapping out of his miny sleep cycle.
"Mrg...I need to get better- What the hell?.."
Ink look back at his note book and saw a strange illustration. He was drawing floor plans and other building sketches. But this drawing was messy, dark silhouettes at the base with empty white eyes, and a few random letters at the top.
The slightly freaked out monster had no clue what this meant. But he noticed that there was a hole in the middle of the page. Flipping through his notebook he saw that some of the pages had holes in them. At this point Ink was freaked out, and stupidly yet reasonably tore out the papers and threw them away. He just sat back down, not wanting to think about everything weird going on.
"Why me?.. Why now?.."
Ink took a few deep breaths and reopens his note book. Even though it along with himself had just scared him, drawing was currently the only thing he could do to calm down after everything that had just happened. But as he did he subconsciously thought about the letters that were on the scribbled paper-
T-- M--s-ge Fr-- -h- --e--o--

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