Chap. 10: The Trip

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Sorry for this long wait, Wattpad was acting up on me and had a bit of a writer's block. But it is here, don't you worry!   Pls Enjoy and hope y'all are having a wonderful day!

Edit: Small changes, sorry and translation is at the end so no one won't get confused!


Alucard's POV

   I hid in the dark corner in the shooting range, watching these... men bug up all the lanes, especially bugging Police Girl. Most importantly, that Pip Bernadotte idiot... (I actually love this man.) They won't stop looking at her gun Walter got her while some ask if they can have a go with it. They're willing to get their limbs exploded just to have a go? Ha! I'd love to see that!

     "My lady.." I heard Pip said to Lisanna as he goes behind her. Of course he startled her because she didn't see him coming up from behind. "Do you need some help?" He asked softly as he helped her up with the heavy weapon he kept with him from the war, but Lisanna lightly push him away. I can only smile at her moving this.. man away from her. "Good girl..." I whispered to myself as she speaks up. "No thank you. But thanks for the help, luv." I heard her say with a wink. I couldn't help but chuckle at her. I guess from those... Boys she dated, she gets told that she need help from 'Strong Men' when they are just little boys. But not my Lisanna... I heard Bernadotte laugh at her, my gaze now laid to him. "I like you, mon Cheri.. so confident for a beautiful woman like you to do things herself." One of his men chuckled with him and spoke in french, but I don't know much on french... Nor do I care.  "Ouais.. Mais je parie qu'elle peut à peine cuisiner pour son mari et ses enfants!" He spoke while nudging his buddy near him, causing them to laugh as well. I felt myself start growl, watching Lisanna scowl in disgust, but walked to Seras for help with her gun. Seemingly looks confused with her new gun, she smiles and helps her out.  Seeing her beaming smile.. makes me smile.

     "Did those men say something for you to scowl, princess?" I heard Seras ask her, noticing she's glaring at them all. Lisanna stayed quiet, but with that smirk on those kissable lips make me smirk with her. "Ou diable.. Elle est trop belle pour être baisée!" One joined in with another insult.. or maybe something else.. and more joined in. Noticing dear Lisanna now irritated, she looked up with that nasty smirk still there. "Tu sais, si tu continues à dire ça, je vais te sucer les hommes tristes. Et peut-être autre chose~" Lisanna spoke darkly to them, watching her lick her lips and her beautiful sharp teeth showed themselves through it. One by one, those sad men back up in horror while Bernadotte just stares. It went silent in seconds as I watch those poor men quiver like little babies at Lisanna's words. Whatever she said made me quiver too, almost... Turned on from her words, french or English.. I made it quick to hide it in case someone asks.. and deal with it later.

    A loud laugh echoed in the room as everyone's gaze went to Bernadotte. "Now I love this woman!" He bellowed while lifting her up in a hug, Seras smiling with them. Lisanna chuckled quietly and pats his cheeks and forcefully lay herself down on the concrete floor. "Heh.. sorry about that again, Mademoiselle." He apologized before turning to his comrades. "I better not hear anything else from you men about this lovely lady here or else you'll be kicked from this manor." "Or..." Lisanna cuts in from Bernadotte and gesture her hand to me, keeping my amused gaze on her. "You'll be breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the king of vampires over there~" She said and turned to me, giving me a soft smile. Rolling my eyes through my glasses, I gave her a grin that made her smile widened more. "Or that.." He said while chuckling nervously, fearing if he tries something or either Lisanna or Seras, he'll be devoured by me.. Seems perfect enough.. Especially if he lands a finger on my Lisanna..  The look on his face as I tear him apart pleases me greatly.

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