Part 1

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Hey Guys!

I'm 95% sure it won't explode. 

Nat's POV: 

??? : Jamie plz help!!

???: I'm bleeding ouy

??? : out

???: I got stabbed while on patrol 

???: James plzzzzzz helps me I'm in  the alley behind the ms  I got out then got beet

Nat: Stabbed!!! 

Nat: sorry but I'm not Jamie.

???: fuckin shit

???: any chance you know how to stitch up a stab wound deep in ones side??

Nat: Go to the HOSPITAL 

???: I can't !

Nat : why not

??? : plz just help me

Nat : not until you tell me y

??? : because then child service will take me away

Nat : kid just (insert medical instructions because some people get squeamish) 

Nat: kid???

Nat: kid y can't I hack you .

Nat : y aren't u answering 

Nat : how do I know ur not hydra trying to kill me

Nat  changed ??? To ' kid'

Kid: sry I was buzy 

Kid : I may have passed out

Kid : as for y u can't hack me

Kid: I may be a jenius 

Nat : you Just spell genius wrong

Kid : everything is still alittle fuzzy


Nat : what?!"?!

Kid : welll I hope they didn't need that motorcycle 

Kid : or that alleyway

          Time Skip

Kid : are u a she or he?

Kid : or a they? 

Kid : or a nay?

Nat : I thought you died?!!,,!,,,!,!,

Nat : she 

Kid : can I get a name? 

Nat : no 

Kid : pweease 

Kid :🥺

Nat : Fine call me Ms. Knife

Nat : what's your name 

Kid : call me C

Kid changed ??? To Ms. Knife 

Ms. Knife changes kid to C

C : shit I gotta go to work

C : c u later 

Ms. Knife : no you can't go to work !!!

Ms. Knife : you just got stabbed 30 minutes ago!

Ms. Knife : don't you dare go to work


Sorry if that was short. I'll post again soon. Probably tonight. C u later,


Ps. - Check out my new story,    Nolan Holloway, Forever Alone

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