Part 11

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"So, what now?" I asked. 

"We're going to Paley Park." Cooper said. "It has an amazing glass tunnel that goes under a waterfall."

We walked down the streets and through allies, talking about miscellaneous things. 

"Got any siblings?" I asked as we walked through the park.

"Nope. You?" 

"None. I have a golden retriever though." 

"I've always wanted a dog! I could never get one though." She said sadly. 

"What, do your parents not like them?"

She stiffened up. I could tell I hit a sore subject. "Something like that." 

Suddenly I heard rushing water. "What is that?" 

She gave me a sly smile. "Wait and see." 

We walked past a tree line and a beautiful fountain waterfall that went far into the air. In the middle was a glass tunnel in which people walked through. We walked onto the bridge leading up to the tunnel, being sprayed by a light wave of mist. 

"This is amazing!" I exclaimed. 

"Are you glad I dragged you here now?" She smiled at me. 

"Of course."

She smiled at me and I smiled at her, staring into each other's eyes. Suddenly, I realized what I was doing, and by the look in her eyes, she did too. She blushed and I looked away. 

For lunch we went to some sort of sandwich place called Delmar's, run by a grumpy Italien man who told us to stay in school. He seemed to know Cooper. 

We spent the rest of the day walking around New York. She showed me some other cool hidden sights and we talked constantly. 

Random things like why the red was the best color, or why the sky was blue. How the Avengers are doing and how clueless they were. Stuff like that. 

Sometimes I'd catch her looking at me, and she'd turn away when I saw her. Sometimes I'd do the same. There was a tension between us, a chemistry, that was blatantly obvious.

"Come one let's go!" Cooper said, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards a tall building. It said 'JC Industries' on the front. 

"I'm friends with the guy at the front desk. Let's go!"

I followed her as she dragged me through the doors. At the front desk, a guy in a green and white uniform waved us on, his name tag reading Jack. 

"Where are we going?" I asked smiling at her. She smiled back a me. 

"The rooftop gardens." We got in the elevator. She still had my hand in hers, and never let go, so neither did I. 

When we got to the top, my mouth dropped open. The doors opened to the most beautiful garden I had ever seen. 

The elevator opened in the center of the park, paths going out in all four directions. Shrubs, flowers, and ornamental trees grew along the paths. A fountain was on one side, a maze the next. 

"Where to first?" She asked. 


We started on to different ends, it was a race to the middle. I just hoped I could make it first.

Cooper's POV: 

I sprinted through the maze, trying to find the middle. I could here running water, there must be a fountain up ahead.

Suddenly, I hit a solid wall. I fell forward onto Harley, who crashed into the hedge behind us. He steadied himself, but I was still leaning on him, our facing in that iconic pose, inches away.

"Hi." I said breathlessly. 

"Hey," there was no denying the chemistry between us. No turning back now.

Harley lowered his lips onto mine and kissed me. 

I grasped Harley's hand and we walked through the rest of the garden.

For my first kiss, it wasn't bad. Definitely not how the books described it, with exploding stars in the background and almost physical melting, but it was nice. 

We didn't say anything, didn't do anything but walked. Once we walked the entire garden, I started to head to the Avenger's Tower, where Harley said he was staying. We walked hand in hand in unison until we reached the tower. 

I stood on my tippy-toes, a placed a light kiss on Harley's lips. "I'll text you tomorrow okay?" I whispered. 

"Good Night." He nodded. "Be careful." He released my hand and walked inside, greeting the guard as he arrived. Sliding into a back alley, I slipped on my suit and got ready for a long night of crime fighting.

- TFox 

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