HEY THERE! Mandy here! I have been thinking and you guys who read don't have a nickname yet. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave suggestions in the comments. VOTE and FAN me too. I truely LUFF all of you. Big shout out to District11girl <3! Make sure you comment and THANK YOU ALL. XOXO BYE BYE
Leiah's P.O.V
"Ughhh!" That stupid fucking alarm. I hate mondays! I got ready anyways. Since i am leaving tomorrow, I got to make my last day of school here amazing. I want to look good and go out with a BANG!
My phone vibrated in my back pocket causing me to jump up scared. I am so paranoid. I got a text from Ro, who is only my BESTEST friend EVAR!
Ro- What are you wearing today, lets match!
Me- I don't know really.
Ro- Where your pink LOVE crop top with your purple skinny jeans and grey knee boots.
Me- Ohhhh and you will wear your blue DREAM crop top and red skiny jeans with black knee boots?
Ro- EXACTLY!! XOXO see ya at school <3
Me- KK see ya later <3
~Arriving at school with Ro~
"Time to make heads turn!" Ro was super happy at how well matched we were, almost like twins.
We walked in to the school together blowing kisses as we walked down the hall boys were whistling, girls we cheering, I never had so much courage in my whole life. Being noticed was amazing. Too bad it won't last very long. Soon, i will be the ackward new girl. But for now I will enjoy it while it lasts.
Niall's P.O.V
"How the fuck did you find out Harry, bloody hell, you're like a ninja!" I was so terrified. Whats going to One DIrection? What's going to happen to me?
"Niall, I followed you one night because you were acting so damn shady."
"I swear if you tell anyone, you will become MY LUNCH!" I was joking around of course because boys blood isn't as sweet as a girl's blood.
~Later at reherals~
"So, Nialler do you have a date tonight?" Harry asked me with a cheeky grin. I turned around and flashed him my fangs where the rest of the boys couldn't see.
"NO Haz, I don't" I exclaimed
"I think he is hiding something boys!" Haz screamed almost as loud as Loius would have.
"What do you mean Hazzah?" I was getting even more mad by the second. Each time he talked I tensed up hoping he wouldn't tell them.
"Nevermind, you are probably just HUNGRY." He emphasised 'hungry' and i immediatley caught on. He was implying that I wanted blood.
Me and Haz were alone. Finally we can talk!
"Haz what the fuck were you doing out there?" I was red in the face.
"I was only giving you a scare, NO BIG DEAL."
I rolled my eyes and left to my room. Slowly drifting into an intense dream.
WHOAH. Leave comments on what you think the dream was, NEXT CHAPTER YOU WILL FIND OUT!!!
LOVE YOU GUYS. Do you think I should call you my Kittens? I love cats.