Chapter 3

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Berlin still hasn't left. He still wants to stay, and I won't force him to go. I have grown fond of him.

"Hey Amber, did you ever find out why those bones were in here?" He looks over at me while organizing his cot.

"Not yet, I'm not too worried, it might just be some cat leaving a mess." I grab a piece of bread and stick it in my mouth.

"Well, we might want to figure out what it's about, it could be something serious." I sit on my cot and relax for a minute before answering.

"If anything, I'll have to relocate again, it won't be any different like every other time I've had to." Sure it's only 12 O'clock, but I'm already tired.

I look over at Berlin, whose cheek has finally bruised from this morning. I really wish I hadn't punched him, the bruise takes the attention from those eyes.

He has a sad expression on now that I had said that.

"But you shouldn't have to."I can tell he doesn't like the fact I do this.

"It's harder than you think Berlin, I've done this many times, I'm used to it, so don't bother trying to stop it." My tone may have gotten moody, but I believe he understands what I'm saying now.

"Sorry I didn't understand. I shouldn't have said anything." He looks down at the floor and starts playing with his thumbs.

After a minute of silence, he finally stands up, and looks me in the eyes.

"Berlin, I think it's time we go do something, this house isn't meant for this much activity." He looks like a kid on Christmas morning, his eyes wide.

"what do you want to do then?" I stand and grab his hand and start to pull him outside. His eyes wide, willingly follows me.

Once out of the door, I release his hand. "Let's go for a run!" At that I gesture him to stay put, then run around the house and shift, leaving my clothes there in a pile as to not ruin them. I come back to see him, but shifted, a big wolf grin planted on his mouth.

I trot toward him, my nose doing its job as I sniff his fur. Learning almost nothing, but I do know that he still seems like a good person.

I feel his breath on my back as he does the same. After a minute, I turn and trot toward the tree line in the distance. I look back to make sure Berlin has followed me, to find out he has.

Running through the bushes, I can hear his pawpads hit the ground behind me.

I stop to look back again. His eyes staring back at me. Not once has he taken his eyes off of me.

I sit on my haunches as he walks closer, his snout nudges my neck, showing that he's having a good time. I push back with my own snout.

Of course we can't exactly communicate in this form, we can only use body language,  which is still difficult.

He sits down next to me as I watch him.


It's been 2 hours since we left the shed. In this time, we had chased down a rabbit, didn't eat it, but just kinda played tag with it. But after a while I could tell he was getting hungry, and I knew I was too, but I knew I couldn't hunt down that rabbit or he might suspect me of being strange.

Most people never hunter for there own food, but it was easier for me to since my kind were used to it.

We finally walked back to the shed, I look at him as I walk behind the shad making sure he doesn't follow me. I shift and pull on my clothes.

I walk slowly as I come around the shed, giving him time to shift and put clothes on.

Once I see him, I'm speechless. He has about fifty percent of his clothes on, only his shirt is left.

As I look at him, I just admire his abdomin before catching myself. I wait a second as he pulls on the shirt, I take a step closer and open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Cat got your tongue?" His voice catches me off guard, even though I was watching him open his mouth to talk.

"Umm no, I can talk perfectly fine." I say, trying not to mentally explode.

He shakes his head as he follows me into the shed.

I make some lunch before we go back outside. But this time we hung out by the shed for much shorter of a time.

"Y'know, I haven't asked why you got in a fight with your roommates, what happened?" He looks me in the eye.

"I kept steeling their food." Now I was speechless...


A/N: I am SO sorry for the TWO YEAR WAIT!!!???
I got distracted by other stories, and with family matters, school, and much else.

I was looking through old stories I made, and found this, and saw it had almost 200 views! How is that possible? Either way, thank you guys so much for reading this even though there was only 2 chapters out.

I'll try my best the keep up with this story as well, but please try not to get your hopes up to much. But I'll do my best!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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