Chapter 13

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"Ophidiophobia + Seniors"

"We actually made it here earlier than usual."

Staring at the tall building you call school as you gripped the handbag you'd been provided along with your uniform, now washed and have been returned by yours truly.

"Better than you sleeping in and getting lost..."

Looking towards you as you froze under his contact.


You scoffed and hit the side of his ribcage with an elbow jut, causing him to retract and wheeze a bit in pain.

"You know I don't make the same mistakes again."

"Says the person who once burnt themselves twice on both hands while trying to make pancakes."

"That's far too accurate for my liking. How in the world did you remember that?"

"I have a  recording of it saved. Be glad I didn't share it to every social media platform I have."

You groaned before closing your eyes and crossing your arm, one on top of the other. The both of you continuing to walk around the school in hopes to pass time.

Before you then came to a sudden realization.

"Why the hell do you have a screen recording of me on your phone?"

It went silent. Even mother nature decided to join in on the fun and mock Genya by silencing the birds and the trees that made noise in the wind.

It wasn't obvious but Genya gulped down the saliva that built up in his throat before he coughed into his hand and managed to put on a straight face.

"Just in case you argue with me again. I have full proof and enough evidence to prove you wrong when I know i'm right."

You narrowed your eyes at him as he looked to the side, trying to hide away the bit of sweat that managed to slip off his forehead and down the side of his face.

Before you heard a familiar, but not so familiar, voice of someone that you were sure you met like yesterday or a day ago. 

"Young [Y/N] and Shinazugawa's brother!"

The very fact that the voice seemed familiar but isn't so familiar at the same time is self-explanatory.

"You came here early, excited for class, I see, I see!!"

His loud voice and charismatic presence would surely not go pass anyone who met these seniors. 

Much especially when the color of their hair reflects the person's attitude and whole personality.

However, the moment you heard 'excited for class' you sweat dropped.


You said, looking away as you prolonged the word a bit, whistling a silent tune.

"Enough of that, come with me!!"

He said before fast-walking his way towards the place where he had just so happily and charismatically emerged from.

"Oh Jesus christ. This man's way too energetic on a school morning."

You said as you yawned and cupped a hand over you mouth, closing your eyes as tears began to form at the corners of your lids.

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