sgpwes - I

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monday, march 3rd
12:06 PM

"damn Wesley, move." I say shoving the tall boy with finger coils and round glasses on.

"Aye nigga, watch out." He says. He turns around quickly and fakes a punch at me. I flinch and he starts laughing. I roll my eyes.

"Wesley! Arianah!" An old raspy voice shouts behind us. I turn around and im greeted with the strong scent of vanilla perfume, as a middle-aged woman with a a black vest, white button up and plaid skirt approaches us. That woman was the Dean - Ms. Jacobs.

"You two, get to class now." She says sternly before walking past us in a fast pace, as if she was in a hurry.

"Sorry." Wes says lowly. "I hate that woman." I whisper to him, making him chuckle. I feel a smile arise on my face.

Wes has been my long time friend and crush. We've been close friends since Kindergarten, since our parents were always friends, even before we were born. I believe my first time realizing I liked Wes, we were in 5th grade. I don't know why I felt like this, but I did. However, I know he couldn't feel the same, and if I ever told him how I felt, I'd feel like that would ruin a good friendship.

"AYOOOOO!" A familiar voice yells from down the hallway. I look up to the left and I see one of my other good friends, David - who we call Dami - come down the hallway. Ms. Jacobs stops in her tracks and turns around.

"What's good y- oh..." Dami stutters. He makes eye contact with Ms. Jacobs, who had her infamous stern face on. Fucking dumbass.

"David, listen here, you should NOT be yelling at the top of your lunges in this school, you go to class now." She asserts. Dami quickly shakes his head in fear. "Yes, ma'am" he says.

"And you two, why are you guys still here I told you to get to class already, don't make me write you guys up for tardiness." She says while pointing her wrinkly ass fingers at us.

"My fault." I say before walking towards Dami and signaling for him and Wes to follow me. They quickly pick up the hint and walk behind me.

Finally we make it to the staircase and i hold the door for them to enter. Dami walks in, and Wes stops briefly. "Ladles first." He jesters for me to walk through. "Thanks." I say. "Fuckin' simp." Dami chuckles as he sits on the railing, getting ready to slide down the stairs. I roll my eyes.

"Dami, you know we going up, right?" I say.
"I'm not going to that lame ass class, Mr. Abdee is a bitch" He responds carelessly. "That's why you failing nigga." Wes jokes. "Aye, Wes stop tryna get all up in my business nigga, I don't need to pass anyways." Dami says. He finally slides down the poll, making it down to the second floor. "I don't know what yall niggas oh but I'm boutta go roll up outside." He says. He pulls out a BIC lighter and flashes it twice, waving the flame in the air. "Bye." He says quickly before walking down the next flight of steps. I look up at Wes and sigh a bit. We'll never save that man. "Aii twizz, let's go." I say, jestering at Wes to follow me. He sighs, "He'll never learn." I chuckle.

We finally make it to the 5th floor and we pant a bit. Sick of this stupid ass backpack. We turn a few corners before finally making it to Mr. Abdee's class.

"You guys are fashionably late." The old, pale man with a white button up, Red and blue striped tie and black dress pants says.

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