
584 11 1

saturday, december 1st
1:36 AM

"And then he asked me where I was at, so at that point I was squealing..." Rya says.

Rya was one of the first people who I've talked to when I first moved to Toronto. I wouldn't consider her my best friend, but she's cool to talk to. Right now she's telling me a story about fucking her best friend's brother... She always had interesting stories like this. Thank god I didn't have a brother.

"...So before I even text him back I'm thinking, this man tryna set me up? Like you're my best friend's brother so like why are you saying this? You know?"

"Mhmmm." I respond.

"But at the same time, I didn't care he was cute and I.." she says before being interrupted by someone open the door.

It was Rya's twin brother, Zai. I believed he was a rapper, I mean the whole time I was here I believe he was recording.

"Who's cute?" He said while walking in.

Rya rolled her eyes "mind yo damn business, Zai."

He chuckles "What's good Giselle?"

"Oh, hi." I respond awkwardly.

Not to be a bad friend but, bro kinda fine...

He walks up to the bed and holds out his hand, signaling a dap, and we dap each other up. He walks over to her vanity and grabs a glass bottle wit a pink liquid. It read Chanel No. 5.

"Woah where my Chanel perfume at?" He says while inspecting the bottle.

"Be a MAN and stop touching woman's perfume." Rya says while getting up. She snatches the bottle out of his hand. "Out, now."

He chuckles again and walks out.

"Ugh he's so annoying." She says, visibly frustrated. "As I was saying.." she continues her story.

⏮ Time skip ⏭

"Really twin you just left me here alone?!?!?!" I whisper shout on the phone with Rya.

"You're not alone, Zai is still home." She says following with a drunk laugh.

She went to a party without me and left me at her house... how fucked up of her...

"Nigga come pick me up" I respond.

"Listen I'm DRUUUUUUUUNK, aint nobody picking you up, take an uber or something" she says.

"I don't have money f-" I say before she hangs up on me. Unbelievable, what type of friend leaves her friend at her house alone WITH HER BROTHER.

How did this even happen...

I hear a knock on her door and I say "you good" as Zai opens the door.

"Sorry I jus seen you was sleeping earlier and I was just making sure you were good and shit... where is Rya?"

"Uh, not home." I say while slowly moving my phone away from my ear to my lap. "I have no ride home" I awkwardly blurt out.

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