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It was the next day, I did my usual morning routine getting dressed and braiding my hair before grabbing my weapons and leaving my tree house. I was walking to the campfire when I heard voices, they belonged to Pan and Felix, "where did you two go?" Pan asked, he sounded angry "we just went on a walk" Felix said "you know the rules, Felix, no one is allowed to leave this camp at night unless it's life or death!" Pan said almost shouting "I didn't know what else to do, she would have gone without me as soon as she had the chance" Felix said "you were the one who wanted me to watch her last night anyway" Felix added, his voice also getting louder "I'd watch what you say to me Felix, you might be my right-hand-man but I'm not afraid to kill and replace you" Pan said. I peaked threw some bushes and could see Pan's hand hovering close to Felix's chest, he looked scared while Pan had an evil smirk on his face "I'm sorry, won't happen again" Felix said "better not" Pan said. It went quiet for a second and I was about to walk away when I heard Pan start speaking again "you can come out now Auburn" he said, I came out of my hiding spot becoming visible to Pan and Felix. "You know it's very rude to eavesdrop on private conversations" Pan said "well it's not very private when you're almost screaming for the whole island to hear" I shot back "now what did I just say about watching what you say?" Pan said walking closer to me, Felix quickly got in between me and Pan "Auburn, lets go out and gather some fruits for the camp" Felix said looking at me "is that okay, Pan?" Felix asked looking back at Peter, he just gave a slight nod then walked away. "I can protect myself" I said as soon as Pan was out of earshot "I know, but you're still learning how to use your powers, they don't always work when you want them to" Felix said "then lets change that, we haven't done any training in a while" I said before turning and walking in the direction of mine and Felix's cove.

We arrived at the cove and placed our satchels down on the ground. "Are you sure you want to train instead of search for more answers on the beach?" Felix asked "yeah, we can always head to the beach after, but right now I need to learn to control my powers in case Pan finds out and tries to stop us from leaving" I said, Felix was about to pick up one of the swords we brought with us when he looked at me "us?" he asked raising an eyebrow "yes us, do you really think I'd just leave you?" I asked "you know Pan decides who comes to Neverland and who leaves, and he definitely won't let us leave" Felix said "plus, the only other way to get off this island is Captain Hook's ship and he left years ago" he added "we will find a way, don't worry" I said walking towards Felix taking his hands in mine, he looked down at me into my eyes then leaned down to kiss me, before his lips could touch mine I quickly swerved and grabbed one of the swords pointing it at him "we should start training before we run out of time" I said. Felix looked at me and chuckled "alright, but you owe me a kiss after" he said.

We had a small sword fight before deciding to practice using my powers. Felix would swing at me with the sword and I had to try and block it using my force field. There were a few times where I couldn't get my force field to work in time but I was able to use my fast reflexes to get out of the way of the sword in time. After a while I started to get a better hang of this power, blocking all of Felix's attacks with it. "You're getting better" Felix said sitting next to me, we decided to take a break before going to the beach "thanks, although I'm curious about something" I said before taking a bite of the apple in my hand "what is it love?" Felix asked "do I have any other powers? and if so when will I get them?" I asked "I don't know, maybe on your birthday? that's when you got this power" Felix said then he took a bite of his apple.

We finished our snack then started making our way to the beach but when we got there, there was a surprise waiting for us, and not a good one. "Why hello there" Pan said leaning against a tree, he had an evil smirk on his face "P-Pan! what are you doing here?" I asked "I own this island therefore I own this beach, which I should remind you, is off limits!" Pan said walking towards us "how did you know we were going to be here?" I asked "a little birdie told me, now I want to know what you two are doing here" Pan said. Felix and I looked at each other before looking back at Pan "well!?" he shouted, Felix looked at the ground "if you knew we were going to be here, then you should already know why we're here" I said "watch your tone, Auburn, you don't want to get me angry" Pan said scowling "you can't do anything to me" I said, Pan smirked and raised his eyebrow, he walked closer chuckling "maybe not you" he said looking away from me, I followed his eyes to where he was looking and saw him starring at Felix, I went to look back at Pan but he was gone. When I looked at Felix I saw Pan standing in front of him with his hand in his chest "NO!" I said, I meant to push Pan away but instead he had been thrown threw the air and landed hard on the ground. I covered my mouth with my hands in shock and Felix quickly looked at me, eyes wide "how the-" he started "I don't know! I got angry and meant to push him not..." I said making hand motions of Pan being shot up into the air then falling. Felix and I ran to go see if Pan was okay, but he wasn't where he landed, then I sensed someone behind me and quickly turned around putting up my force field stopping Peter from grabbing me or Felix, all three of us looked at each other shocked, not only did I have a new power that could make others be sent flying to the other side of the beach but I was able to protect someone other than myself with my force field. "Looks like your powers are growing" Pan said from outside of my protective bubble "you can bring the force field down, Auburn, I won't hurt either of you" he said, I looked at him skeptically, he sighed "please Azalea" Pan said looking a little more calm now, I let my force field disappear and looked at Pan, still unsure if he meant what he said. He moved closer slowly "all I want is for you to answer my question, why are you two here?" Pan asked I sighed "we've been looking for things that could bring back my memory, so I can find out who my family is" I said looking at the ground "let me guess" Pan said, I could hear the smirk in his voice and looked up at him "you think that if you can get your memory back and remember your family then you can leave?" Pan continued "w-well..." I said "but here's the thing darling" Pan said grabbing my chin, causing Felix to pull out his sword, Pan looked at him and stopped him before looking back at me "no one leaves without my permission, and the only other way out left years ago" he said "but, I think we can turn this into a fun little game" Peter said letting go of my chin and walking away from me "what do you mean?" I asked, Pan turned to look at me again "I'll give you fifteen days, starting tomorrow, to find out who your family is" Pan said "if you succeed then I'll let you leave to find them, but if you run out of time you must stay here on Neverland with me forever" Pan said smirking. He turned away from me again and started walking away, "and one more thing!" he said over his shoulder "I don't want to see you two anywhere near each other anymore, you're my Lost Girl, Auburn" Pan said before finally disappearing into the trees.

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